Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall decorating

I have really gotten into decorating this fall, more so than any other year thus far.  I do a little for Halloween but I have felt inspired to do more for the entire fall season this year.  Now, cost was a huge factor so the more things I could use that I already had the better. 

this first set up is things I already had on had.  Well, I did buy a bag of split peas for $1.25 but that is it, I had the jars, the popcorn, and the pumpkin decorations already! 


I often forget about my front door area since we never use that door and it is very rare that anyone else does.  It is also kind of tucked away inside a little alcove so it is hard to see from the street.  Well, this year I didn’t care.  I wanted a nice wreath on the door that was warm and welcoming.   I will admit that I did have to purchase of few of these things but they were only a total of around $8, which is much cheaper than an already made $25 wreath.  I might paint the S, still haven’t decided on that one just yet.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things so easy even I can do them

So, I am now a die hard Pinterest user.  If you haven’t come across this website yet then you haven’t truly lived.  In short, it is a virtual bulletin board where you can post pictures (has to have a picture to work) from blogs, websites, whatever.  Most of the stuff on there is great do-it-yourself information, decorating ideas, recipes, etc.  So, you pin from a website you like and then others can find that website too and be just as informed as you.  It’s basically a one stop shop for any type of party ideas you might need or decorating help, or if you feel like you want to build your own farmhouse table (yes, there is link to a tutorial on how to do that).  So, I thought since I am TAKING so much information from this sight I might try and add some things as well.  I am not nearly as crafty as most of the people on there and I am not a super mom like the other half, but I do my best and have come up with some things that at least make my life better, so, there you have it. 

The first is a recipe and it is so simple and yet so yummy that I still can’t believe how easy it was to re-create!  So, I am obsessed (I mean 3 times a week obsessed) with Rubio’s new gourmet tacos (both the steak and the shrimp).  Basically anything with a chipotle sauce on it is going to send me doing back flips and this sauce is amazing!  But, that isn’t really the point, they are just yummy and filling and so good.  So, I figured since we can’t afford my habit I should try to make them myself.  It was so much easier than I thought.  Here is the breakdown:

1 flank steak or carne asada steak for grilling (you can find these in the meat section at your local store).  No particular amount, whatever you know will feed you and your family.

1 ripe avocado (or more if you are feeding more than 3 or 4 people)

1 bunch cilantro

1 round of Cotija cheese (found in cheese section)

corn tortillas ( store bought are fine here here is a link to a great recipe for home made

Pico de Gallo salsa

1 bottle Chipotle Ranch dressing or chipotle sandwich spread

1 tube Gourmet Garden mexican herb and spice blend

To marinade steak simply brush on some of the mexican flavor paste on both side, cover, and let sit overnight.

Grill steak until done

while steak is grilling slice avocados and chop cilantro

Grate cheese

Heat tortillas in micro for 25 seconds

Slice meat into 2 inch slices, arrange meat, cheese, cilantro, salsa, avocado, and drizzle chipotle sauce on top, voila!

Here is the finished product, amazing, and so close to the real thing. 


Now here are a couple fun organization ideas.  I am a runner.  Not marathons yet, but I have run a couple half marathons and a handful of shorter races.  For those that race you know that you get a bib number to wear during the race and usually a finisher medal afterwards.  I was stuck on how to display these, or if I even should.  I figured someplace in our bedroom was best.  I didn’t need to have them out for the world to see, but seeing them everyday motivates me to keep running.  I tweaked another idea I saw online and came up with this for displaying both the bibs and the medals. 


Jewelry storage has always been tough for me.  I used to just throw it all in a drawer and then never wear anything because all the necklaces were tangled together with my earrings acting as glue.  So I needed a change.  I used a suction hook from target to hang my necklaces (could probably used another one now that I have more necklaces than when I started) and an old hurricane stand to store my earrings.  I am sure there are even better ways to do this, but it works for me and keeps my drawers clutter free. 



Monday, September 19, 2011

Gearing up for Christmas…

Well, at least for our Christmas photo for our cards.  This is something I think about pretty much from the time school starts until I figure out what I want to do which is usually about three weeks out from Christmas.  This year I thought I would try out some ideas, compile some things and see where it takes me.  Maybe a collage?  Maybe something will jump out at me as PERFECT and I will be finished.  Or maybe I will just have a ton of fun playing around with my camera and my family trying to find just the right shot.  This is one I tweaked from an idea I saw on Pinterest (the best website there is, hands down).  Pretty simple idea, and gotta love Picasa for all the editing it allows (who needs photoshop?). 


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happiest Harry Potter Party

My oldest son just turned 9.  It is still hard to believe it has been that many years, but as all parents say, time really does fly.  His heart’s desire was to have a Harry Potter party, so that is what we did.  I find that I get much less stressed if I am planning a party for just our family.  We have some extended family nearby so that parties are never quiet or dull, not with 5, count them, 5 cousins, all boys, running the show.  So, I researched a bit online, found a cake he liked and I thought I could recreate with ease, and away we went!  I had so much fun gearing up for this party!  Below is a collage of some of the photos for the party. 

2011-9 Anthony birthday

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Boys will be boys

Every once in a while it hits me that I am a mother to three boys.  Three boys who will become three teenage boys who will become three young men, who will hopefully become three mature, well-mannered, morally upstanding, confident, courageous, and kind men.  This, when broken down like that, seems like a pretty tall order to fill.  I have been entrusted with the job of raising these boys to be brothers, husbands, fathers, and uncles.  Often it is pretty daunting.  There seems to be a lack of real men in this country these days.  Men who mean what they say, say what they believe, and believe in things that end up making the world a better place.  So how do I go about this, as a mother in this day and age?

So what is the deal?  Why aren’t there many men these days?  What has happened to our society that boys just don’t grow up?  I don’t know.  I do know that I see a lot of moms who don’t let their kids, boys and girls a like, take responsibility for themselves.  Here is an example.  My 4 year old is perfectly capable of putting his clothes away once they are clean (folding is another story, but it will come).  I mean, he gets dressed on his own, he knows where to GET the clothes he wears, hence he should totally know where to put them when they are freshly cleaned and folded.  So I let him do this job.  My older two are folding and putting away their own clothes.  Pretty soon they will be washing them too.  Yet I know there are grown men out there who have no idea how to wash a load of laundry let alone fold it.  Why?  Why do moms feel the need to baby their babies for so long? 

I will admit that I am guilty of babying my babies in some ways.  I fear they will get hurt doing certain things but then remember that stitches and broken bones heal and it is kind of a right of passage for kids, especially boys.   I don’t ever want my children to experience pain like that, but I know they will and I know they will survive and hopefully have a good story to tell at the end of it all.  I also know that I could do more when it comes to teaching them manners and etiquette.  It hits me most meals when they wipe their mouths with the backs of their hands and half sit half stand at the table, or talk with food in their mouths.  I sometimes think, what will a future girlfriend’s mother think if this young man does this at her table?  I am suddenly filled with dread and want to immediately send them to charm school, or whatever boys attend to learn manners.  But of course I can teach them these things msyelf, as can Joe, but why is it that we have to teach them?  Do we not do these things ourselves?  I have been trying to be a good example but with boys that is kind of up to the dad.  He must teach them the wonderous trick of opening a door for a lady and how that one simple act will bring him praise and adoration, or pulling out a chair, or standing when a lady leaves the room, or just using a napkin appropriately!  Learning how to shake a hand and look people in the eye when you speak and to walk with confidence and purpose.  As tough as we want them to be, boys are also precious gifts that need to be nurtured in ways that I am not always confident.  But then I look at Joe, my amazing husband, who has never, not once, in 12 years of marriage left the seat up, or burped at the able (or any time for that matter), and is such a wonderful example for my boys that my heart is suddenly at ease.

So, I think that we will be ok.  I pray for my boys each day, that they will be happy, and confident, and have joy unimaginable and will know how to love unconditionally and will also know how to stand up for themselves and others.  I know they will be successful in whatever they choose to do with their lives and I also know that for whatever reason God chose Joe and I to prepare them for the world.  They truly are gifts and I love them all so completely that to think of life without them just isn’t possible.  I know it existed, but that life is so far away from our lives now that it almost seems like a dream.  These boys, these forces of nature, have so changed our lives that I can’t and won’t think of what life was like before.  Children change the direction of our lives and start us on a new adventure that is so amazing it is hard to describe.  I thank God daily for my three blessings and while I have my share of challenging days, the challenges are so worth it. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

More observations and some facts

Oh my, that is pretty much all I can say at the moment.  For a while there I thought I had this three kid thing down to a science, then summer vacation happened. I never realized how amazing it is to have kids in school and to get 5 hours a day, 5 days a week to I recover from the weekend and get ready for the next one.  Summer vacation throws a wrench into that whole, beautiful routine.

Anyway, we are now about a month into our vacation and we have already gone to Hawaii, the big boys did a week long day camp where they went to Legoland every day, and we had a fun 4th of July extended weekend at Grandma’s house.  There were some bumps along the way but those are for another time.  This is our first week with nothing planned and at 9 am on Monday I am already struggling with what to do with the kids!  Well, let me clarify, what FREE things I can do with the kids.  We have ridden the trolley and had a picnic twice and might do that again, but three kids makes pretty much anything an expensive adventure, even just going to lunch let alone someplace like the Zoo.  So, if you have any creative ideas for things to do with three active boys on a summer day, please let me know, I will try anything! 

Now, on to some more observations. 
1.  I just recently started eating and liking things I always hated as a kid.  Things like peppers and onions and different spices and flavorings.  So, don’t worry if your kids don’t like veggies now, they will when they are 35. 
2.  I would really like to see pictures of the people who comment in magazines about celebrities in their bathing suits in THEIR bathing suits.  People in glass houses. 
3.  I am not a fun person to be around when I am hungry or tired, not even to myself!  I really need to remember to carry snacks around, and maybe a pillow.
4.  I recently washed a crayon in the laundry and ruined some nice things.  I tried all of the tricks online to get it out.  None of them worked.  My observation….don’t wash crayons in the laundry.
5.  Our kitty has an affinity for feet, mine especially.  He bites them while I eat, he sleeps on them at night, and chases them as I walk around the house.  I have lost count of how many times he been kicked or tripped over or pushed off something.
6.  You know that old saying “kids these days"?  Well, it’s true.  Once your kids start school you realize just how kids are these days.  It is sad what they are picking up from their classmates, but even more sad that it is pretty standard for kids as young as 6 to know some of the things they do. 
7.  No matter how often I clean off my desk of all the papers and junk it just comes right back almost immediately.  I now think paper has some chemical property that allows it to reproduce like bunnies. 
8.  Just recently had to pay $10 a seat to get assigned seats on a plane.  Yes, that is in addition to actually buying the seats.  If you are doing the math that is $50 extra dollars just to make sure my kids aren’t sitting alone next to some stranger.  Thanks Sun Country. 
That’s all for now.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

More observations from an observer

I’m baaack!  Well, it appears that this week has been a great one for making observations.  Although, I think I have always made these observations, even voicing them to only myself while driving somewhere, so perhaps this week has been no more different than any other.  I will jump right in.

1.  A little make-up does not, in fact, go a long way.  In fact, if you try going for the I’m-wearing-make-up-but-trying-to-look-like-I’m-not effect, you will in fact achieve this goal better than you anticipated. You will actually look like you have no make up on.  So all that painstaking shading and powdering will be all for naught.  I am now convinced make-up companies have created their products in such a way that you have to use A LOT in order to look like you are wearing any therefore having to buy more often (just like the shampoo companies have been doing for decades!)  So, in order to look at all ready to face the world you will have to put on much more make-up than you ever thought you would need and instead of looking sick and washed out you will look like a clown. Did I mention that they also make it impossible to correctly apply make-up without a professional’s help?

2.  I don’t like playing games.  I am not at all competitive and in fact can slip into mini-panic attacks when playing any game that actually requires strategy.  So don’t be offended if you ask me to play a game and I decline.  It isn’t you.

3.  Hard boiling an egg to just the right consistency (yolk completely cooked but still fully yellow, not grayish) is a skill I have yet to master. 

4.  I am stealing this one from my mom, but I echo the sentiment completely; what exactly is a pill bug (potato bug, rolly polly) and what is their function in nature?

5.  Don’t watch CNN if you are used to Fox News.  It will be like watching TV in French with no subtitles.  (The opposite is true as well).

6.  Why so many TV shows that involve narrators or actors talking to the camera as if they are being interviewed? 

7.  Watching any of the “Real Housewives” shows makes me feel much better about my life for some reason.  Making your life seem completely shallow and useless seems like a lot of work. 

8.  I am fairly certain my 4 year old has most of the answers to all the world’s burning questions but is revealing them in a secret code of knock-knock jokes.

9.  I have almost completely lost the ability to write with a pen and paper.  It takes me at least two tries to write a check these days, often because I have forgotten how to fill one out, but also because when under pressure to write the check I suddenly forget how to spell.

10.  Sometimes I still get that “homesick” feeling you used to get at camp or sleepovers.  I guess you can take the kid out of the home, but you can never fully take “home” out of the kid.  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

When in doubt, ask a kid

So, if you have kids than you know they are brutally honest.  If you don’t have kids you might be aware of this as well.  For instance, this morning while watching Ace Venture Pet Detective with the kids I was laughing at something and Dom goes “your teeth are kinda yellow.”  Now, I am well aware of this, but adults know enough to keep these types of comments to themselves.  Kids, not so much.  So now, all because my 6 year old said something, I am completely self-conscious about my smile whereas before I was happy to live in denial while the adults around me continued to pretend my smile was nothing but perfectly white.  (Time out to make sure my Crest White Strips are staying in place).
This brutality I speak of can also be used for good, however.  Case in point, I come down all gussied up for church and the same 6 year old who pointed out my lack of dental hygiene now says “wow mommy, you looks really pretty.”  So you see, it is a double edged sword.  One minute I am an ogre with bad teeth, the next a princess ready for the ball.  How is a mom supposed to deal with this?!  But, I have to say, I am grateful for my children’s honesty.  They have no reason to hold back, no reason to think that by telling me my teeth are yellow I will shun them or stop talking to them as I might if say, Joe, told me the very same thing.  (Again, I am well aware of my yellow teeth, but if you point it out and you are older than 8, get ready for the silent treatment.)
I employ my children’s honesty a lot when making my crafty things.  Often they will say something while I am in the midst of creating.  It could be a simple, “that looks cute, what is it going to be?”  Or, “is that supposed to be a hat, because it doesn’t looks like one.”  It can be very helpful.  Also it can cause me to put down a project never to pick it back up again.  Later I will find this project wadded up at the bottom of a bag and think, what was this supposed to be?  My kids are usually spot on with their critiques.  I would highly suggest more artists use this method to help with their process.
One area I don’t ever encourage this honesty is when it comes to my cooking.  Now let me preface by saying, I am not a great cook.  I am also not a terrible cook.  Joe might like to add that usually when I make something from a recipe I am almost always short one ingredient and therefore must be creative and substitute something else.  He thinks this is funny.  He might also point out that even with a list I always forget one thing at the grocery store.  So, let’s get back to my cooking.  Since I am neither a gourmet chef nor a frozen dinner type mom I am very self-conscious about my cooking.  I am a pretty good baker, if I do say so myself, but sometimes the main dishes elude my sensibilities.  If it is a dish I myself have never had than I am not really sure how it should taste and therefore when my kids start to gag I don’t know if it is just simply kids being kids or if it is truly gag-worthy.  Regardless, I am utterly offended.  There are less than a handful of non-nugget or macaroni based meals that my kids actually like.  I make these meals often simply to get the kudos I so desperately long for. 
Another area that has brought me to tears is my cleaning.  Again, I am not Martha Stewart, but I do my best and no one has contracted the plague from my housekeeping skills, so there.  Once again my 6 year old (I am sensing a pattern with him) pointed out a smallish bit of crumbs on the breakfast table and said in about as snarky a voice I have ever heard from any of my kids, “ew, I am not eating here, the table is gross!”  And this is when I burst into tears. 
It might appear to some that my kids are hyper-critical.  Nope, they are just kids.  I am reminded of when my oldest was almost two and we were visiting my brother in West Virginia as Christmas.  It was cold there, everyone was bundled up, something we don’t see a lot out here in San Diego.  We were in a coffee shop and there was a larger lady in a red jacket sitting with her back to us having her coffee innocent as can be.  My two year sees her and says “look, Santa!”  Thank goodness she didn’t hear, although I know many friends who have been in similar situations where the person definitely heard.  All you can do is skulk away in shame, but you can’t really reprimand you kids for pointing out the obvious, can you?   I mean, it is like the yellow teeth thing, it is true, everyone knows is, but just because no one ever says anything, does it make it wrong when my kid finally does?  Perhaps that one statement will be what pushes “Santa” to get a gym membership, you never know.  Of course we do talk about keeping our thoughts to ourselves and never pointing (that is impolite, although I am still not quite sure why), and remembering people’s feelings.  But with kids, saying someone is big isn’t said to make them feel bad, it is simply a statement.  Now, there is a shift when this suddenly turns on its heels and then it IS said to make someone feel bad.  I am not sure when this shift takes place exactly, and it might be different with each kid, so I am keeping a keen eye out for clues.  I suspect when instead of simply saying “that person is fat” becomes “hey Dom, look at Shamu over there,” and there is a lot of nudging and chuckling I will have a pretty good idea.
If you are reading this and don’t have kids yet, please don’t let this deter you.  Kids are amazing and it is their brutal honesty that makes them so.  Kids are designed to see the world as purely as possible.  It is a gift we all lose, like the ability to learn any language easily.  Don’t squelch it.  Cry in secret if their yellow teeth comments hurt you, but don’t take away their wide-eyed wonder, until, of course, there is chuckling and nudging, then nip it in the bud.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Observations from someone who observes things

When I was in high school my friends and I sometimes pretended to be writers for Saturday Night Live.  The funniest part of that was that I wasn’t allowed to watch that show, so clearly the material we came up with would never have made it on late night, but it was hilarious to us.  Things like a really fat person going into a restroom stall and going #1 for like 3 minutes and coming out thin and gorgeous.  Yes, that was humorous to my 13 year old friends and myself.   This was well before Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, or any of the other amazing SNL female writers and stars who made being a funny girl more than simply being the stupid blonde.  Women were and are truly funny, and smart, and notice things, and have the ability to relate these observations in a funny way.  Am I one of those people, well, no, but I do observe things.  Often the things I observe are funny, so by default when I retell what I have seen I in turn seem funny.  This is actually a trick us non-funny girls use a lot. 

So, that brings me to my list of things I have observed recently (I was going to go back and try and list everything I have ever observed and thought interesting, but then realized that wasn’t in any way interesting to anyone else.  In fact, this sentence has me bored as it is.)

1.  When you think you are going to just “run in” to the grocery store to pick up a few key items you will a) come to realize that there is some sort of holiday or sporting event going on that day that you didn’t remember or know about and the place will be packed with last minute shoppers.  b)  As a result of said events you will get stuck behind the one person in line who wants to pay by check, and cash, and gold dabloons, and has 7,000 coupons.  c) This same person will be parked next to you and will take a ridiculous amount of time to load their car and will have all the doors open so it is impossible for you to leave first (and they will be completely oblivious to this fact.)  And if you are like me, you will wait, thinking that they will have to realize what they are doing at some point, right?  But they don’t, and then the moment has passed, so you wait.

2.  Even the best laid dinner plans go awry.  Don’t try springing salmon or even chicken that isn’t in nugget form on your kids when company is over.  They will forego their usual grunts of disgust and instead go for the Oscar-worthy eye rolls, gagging and “I HATE THIS FOOD!”  They have, of course, never tried this food, but that isn’t really the point.  Just serve your kids mac n cheese when you have company and everyone can enjoy a nice quiet meal.

3.  Regardless of their boundless energy while in the house (jumping from couch to couch, chasing each other, chasing the cat, chasing each other chasing the cat) when you tell your kids you are going on a walk they will all spontaneously collapse to the floor and moan.  Even if said walk ends with ice cream.  This entices them at first, but don’t be fooled, you will end up carrying your 50 pound 4 year old halfway through the walk, and possibly the entire walk home.

4.  Pets are great. 

5.  Pets are a pain in the butt. 

6.  Never take a grandparent’s free babysitting for granted.  I am seriously considering re-entering the babysitting field.  I am pretty sure I could make more than Joe if I played my cards right.  So, if you have free babysitting, ever, say thank you, a lot. 

7.  You can never have too many pairs of flip flops.

8.   At age 33, if you are a woman, you will realize you need under-eye and anti-wrinkle cream.  You won’t start buying it until you are 35.  You will regret those lost two years of wrinkle-fighting.

9.  There is nothing quite like an un-solicited hug or kiss from your child.  I don’t think kids share this same sentiment, but give your hugs and kisses freely while they will at least tolerate them. 

10.  Whoever invented TIVO/DVR deserves some sort of Nobel prize.  Not having to watch commercials, instant kids shows whenever I need them, being able to watch a week’s worth of TV in 3 hours of laundry washing and folding, it is truly priceless. 

Ok, I will stop there for now, but will continue to add to this list and things occur to me.  Feel free to add to it as well!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Picture time!

So every year I agonize ( ok, that’s a little dramatic) about what the boys, and Joe and I, will wear for Easter.  Well, I got the great idea today of having them wear vests and ties with jeans.  Cool, right?  So, then I got the idea to do a photo shoot.  Luckily they were excited by the prospect of wearing new clothes, then I bribed them with ice cream (if and only if they cooperated and smiled nice for me).  They did great and I think the pics turned out awesome, I am happy at least.  Can’t wait to take more on Easter Sunday!  Enjoy!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

It’s all about the kids, after all

I’m back!  I realized that I haven’t posted my photos of  day in a while.  I took a little time off (not intentionally but it was a crazy couple weeks trying to get used to little league schedules).  Anyway, I am mostly back on the ball again.  But before I post pics I thought I would share some cute and funny things the kids have said or done.  The first that comes to mind is Anthony in the car this afternoon.  I guess his teacher gave them some extra time to do homework if they so desired.  Anthony chose not to do homework.  I asked why, because if he HAD done some homework he would have more time to play this week at home.  His answer “ I can’t do homework at school, it would just feel wrong.”  So, there you have it.  That is the only story I can think of at the moment, but if more come to me while I post photos I will be sure to add it in.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Let’s Play Ball!

Today was our first full Saturday of baseball games for both big boys.  I am not sure who had more fun, the kids or Joe and I.  It was so fun to finally get to see Dominic’s team (Padres) play a real game, and Dom had so much fun!  Anthony’s team did so great and played super hard.  We are so proud of them both and best of all, they had fun!  Enjoy the pics.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Running for relaxation

I have taken a break from facebook for lent and thought it would give me a good chance to catch up on my blogging and photography.  Baseball season has taken over at our house and I am still getting used to the schedule of weekly practices and games for two kids.  Should be an interesting spring.

So, running for relaxation.  I will admit, I would never have put those two words together, ever, until now.  Until about a year ago you couldn’t have paid me enough money to run anywhere!  But, I have caught the bug and now I love it!  And even more than that I have realized that running, while physically challenging, is a time for me to clear my head and relax mentally and emotionally.  While my body pumps away my mind slows down and I feel completely refreshed when I am done.  This is why I am not a good running buddy.  I have also learned in my year or so of running that I much prefer to run by myself.  I get agitated when I try to talk and run, and while part of it is that it is really hard to talk and run, more than that I get annoyed because I just want to retreat into my mind and let it go where it will.  Often I pray, or daydream, or even plan dinner!  But the great thing is there are no kids asking for snacks, no phones ringing, no televisions to distract me, it is quiet.  I enjoy my surroundings, smell all the smells (I live in a neighborhood where people start cooking early so the smells are often overwhelming and delightful!)  So when I feel the itch to run, like my body just has to go, it isn’t so much because I feel I need to workout, but rather because I need the solace.  Luckily Joe has learned this about me too and when I get especially agitated he often tells me to go running.  This is also why other types of exercise are hard for me to stick with.  Group classes annoy me (I don’t like someone telling me what to do).  The gym is ok, but not nearly as relaxing.  Videos you do at home, alright, but again, someone telling me what to do, no time to let my mind wander.  So, running, as it turns out, is a great form of exercise for us introverts.  Walking works too, but with running it is almost as if the rhythm of my feet hitting the ground guides my thoughts or something, if that makes any sense.  Each breath is in synch with my feet and it is akin to what it feels to meditate I assume, your entire body working as one in a way you can feel. 

So, that’s my psychological analysis of why I run.  Perhaps you too experience something similar with one of your favorite activities. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Photos of the day and some other stuff

Hey all.  Ok, so hopefully I will get all the pics I missed into this blog.  I have been putting them on facebook but keep forgetting to put them here too.  I have missed a few days as well because I along with the kids have been sick.  Thankfully we are all doing much better now, although the Murrieta branch of the family isn’t faring to well.  Hope you guys feel better soon!

Nicolas the super hero?  He came up with this outfit on all his own.



Cool old car we saw at Old Poway Park

  So, you may wonder why the kids are so smiley….
And this is why…


We got a kitty!  It is a male who we still have to name, 6 mos old, and very sweet when he isn’t freaked out.  He is still getting used to the house, but is super cuddly and playful when he is in his room (laundry) and surrounded by the kids.  I give him a week to feel like the entire house is his castle (all but the guest room, keep that one kitty free).  So far he doesn’t seem to shed at all and his coat is really pretty.  I will take more pics once he feels more comfy.  I know this comes as a big shock, but we have wanted a pet for a long time and a dog just seemed like too big a responsibility right now and so far Joe’s allergies have been mild at most.  We will have a steady supply of Zyrtec on hand for any visitors who might feel the affects, but the kids could not be more excited (and Joe and I are too).  Any name suggestions would be great.  So far the kids have offered up Pouty, Steve, Mario, Jack Black, and Mr. Spinozzi. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Photo of the day 1.25.11

Here is today’s pic.  I know I have missed a couple days and I apologize.  Being sick has thrown me all out of sorts.

Anyway, my friend Lesley brought over some fresh, locally grown produce last week and these kiwis were amazing!  So sweet and juicy.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Photo of the day 1.22.11,1.23.11

Photos for the last couple days.  Still working on today’s.  Struggling with a sinus infection so bear with me.

IMG_2003 IMG_1856

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Year in pics 1.20.11

So, my mom let me borrow these slippers and then let me have them when I visited MN over New Years.  They have treated me well, especially right now when I am feeling a little under the weather.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Year in pics 1.19.11

Joe and I are having Italian sausage with sautéed peppers and zucchini for dinner.  Yum!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

photo of the day 1.18.11

I call this one “Dinner Time”.  Often I feel like a short order cook when it comes to mealtime.  Right now it is because Joe, and sometimes I, are eating low carb, so I have to either tweak the meal or make something totally different, and then what always happens is one of the kids won’t eat what I made, so, sometimes I just make things that we will all like, for sure.  Tonight it was ribs and broccoli for Joe and I, quesadilla for Nico, and bean, cheese, and rice burritos for the older boys.  You do what you gotta do.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Year in pics 1.15.11, 1.16.11, and 1.17.11

So, here are the last three days of photos.  Enjoy!

IMG_1883  1.16 1.161

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Year in pics 1.14.11

Sorry this one comes a day late.  I guess I had a great birthday and didn’t have time for taking pics or posting blogs.  Anyway, this photo is from our dinner in OB with friends.  I think it really shows a more serious, thoughtful side of Joe.

IMG_1875 It’s as if he is thinking “wow, what a great wife I have, I am going to go out and buy her something real nice.”

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Year in pics 0 1.113.11

Today the big boys got helmets for baseball/t-ball and Nico got a new helmet for riding his bike and scooter.  He has been wearing it all day.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Year in Pics 1.12.11

Homework time, that is what I call this one.  The big boys do homework together everyday at around 3:30.  Sometimes they do it without complaining, but mostly there is a lot of whining and statements like “I hate math!” or “homework is dumb.”  So, don’t let the smiles fool you.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Year in pics – 1.11.11

I know I said I am not a shoe girl, but I love these!  They are the only truly girly shoes I own, they are excruciating to wear, are way too high, but I love them! 


Monday, January 10, 2011

Year in pics, the days I missed

I know I forgot to post the last few days.  Does having a sick kid relieve me of my duties?  well, I still have pics.  here are my pics for the last few days!



IMG_1778   So, I call the first one “Officer Spinozzi” the second, “silly legs” and the third “for sale”. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Year in Pics Day 4

I always loved (and still do) having breakfast for dinner and it seems that my kids have the same fondness for eating pancakes when it’s dark outside!

Breakfast for dinner


Friday, January 7, 2011

Year in Pics Day 3

One of the gifts I got Joe this year for his birthday, or Christmas I can’t remember, was the complete 5 seasons of a little show we love called “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.  It is one of those shows you can watch over and over and never get tired. 


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Year in pics – day 2

I am currently organizing and cleaning things out of closets for an upcoming garage sale.  In the midst of all of this I happened upon several of my old pairs of running shoes.  I thought a photo would be fun.  I couldn’t pick just one, so I made a collage.

year in pics 1.6