Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall decorating

I have really gotten into decorating this fall, more so than any other year thus far.  I do a little for Halloween but I have felt inspired to do more for the entire fall season this year.  Now, cost was a huge factor so the more things I could use that I already had the better. 

this first set up is things I already had on had.  Well, I did buy a bag of split peas for $1.25 but that is it, I had the jars, the popcorn, and the pumpkin decorations already! 


I often forget about my front door area since we never use that door and it is very rare that anyone else does.  It is also kind of tucked away inside a little alcove so it is hard to see from the street.  Well, this year I didn’t care.  I wanted a nice wreath on the door that was warm and welcoming.   I will admit that I did have to purchase of few of these things but they were only a total of around $8, which is much cheaper than an already made $25 wreath.  I might paint the S, still haven’t decided on that one just yet.


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