Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things so easy even I can do them

So, I am now a die hard Pinterest user.  If you haven’t come across this website yet then you haven’t truly lived.  In short, it is a virtual bulletin board where you can post pictures (has to have a picture to work) from blogs, websites, whatever.  Most of the stuff on there is great do-it-yourself information, decorating ideas, recipes, etc.  So, you pin from a website you like and then others can find that website too and be just as informed as you.  It’s basically a one stop shop for any type of party ideas you might need or decorating help, or if you feel like you want to build your own farmhouse table (yes, there is link to a tutorial on how to do that).  So, I thought since I am TAKING so much information from this sight I might try and add some things as well.  I am not nearly as crafty as most of the people on there and I am not a super mom like the other half, but I do my best and have come up with some things that at least make my life better, so, there you have it. 

The first is a recipe and it is so simple and yet so yummy that I still can’t believe how easy it was to re-create!  So, I am obsessed (I mean 3 times a week obsessed) with Rubio’s new gourmet tacos (both the steak and the shrimp).  Basically anything with a chipotle sauce on it is going to send me doing back flips and this sauce is amazing!  But, that isn’t really the point, they are just yummy and filling and so good.  So, I figured since we can’t afford my habit I should try to make them myself.  It was so much easier than I thought.  Here is the breakdown:

1 flank steak or carne asada steak for grilling (you can find these in the meat section at your local store).  No particular amount, whatever you know will feed you and your family.

1 ripe avocado (or more if you are feeding more than 3 or 4 people)

1 bunch cilantro

1 round of Cotija cheese (found in cheese section)

corn tortillas ( store bought are fine here here is a link to a great recipe for home made http://allrecipes.com/recipe/corn-tortillas/detail.aspx)

Pico de Gallo salsa

1 bottle Chipotle Ranch dressing or chipotle sandwich spread

1 tube Gourmet Garden mexican herb and spice blend

To marinade steak simply brush on some of the mexican flavor paste on both side, cover, and let sit overnight.

Grill steak until done

while steak is grilling slice avocados and chop cilantro

Grate cheese

Heat tortillas in micro for 25 seconds

Slice meat into 2 inch slices, arrange meat, cheese, cilantro, salsa, avocado, and drizzle chipotle sauce on top, voila!

Here is the finished product, amazing, and so close to the real thing. 


Now here are a couple fun organization ideas.  I am a runner.  Not marathons yet, but I have run a couple half marathons and a handful of shorter races.  For those that race you know that you get a bib number to wear during the race and usually a finisher medal afterwards.  I was stuck on how to display these, or if I even should.  I figured someplace in our bedroom was best.  I didn’t need to have them out for the world to see, but seeing them everyday motivates me to keep running.  I tweaked another idea I saw online and came up with this for displaying both the bibs and the medals. 


Jewelry storage has always been tough for me.  I used to just throw it all in a drawer and then never wear anything because all the necklaces were tangled together with my earrings acting as glue.  So I needed a change.  I used a suction hook from target to hang my necklaces (could probably used another one now that I have more necklaces than when I started) and an old hurricane stand to store my earrings.  I am sure there are even better ways to do this, but it works for me and keeps my drawers clutter free. 



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