Thursday, April 21, 2011

More observations from an observer

I’m baaack!  Well, it appears that this week has been a great one for making observations.  Although, I think I have always made these observations, even voicing them to only myself while driving somewhere, so perhaps this week has been no more different than any other.  I will jump right in.

1.  A little make-up does not, in fact, go a long way.  In fact, if you try going for the I’m-wearing-make-up-but-trying-to-look-like-I’m-not effect, you will in fact achieve this goal better than you anticipated. You will actually look like you have no make up on.  So all that painstaking shading and powdering will be all for naught.  I am now convinced make-up companies have created their products in such a way that you have to use A LOT in order to look like you are wearing any therefore having to buy more often (just like the shampoo companies have been doing for decades!)  So, in order to look at all ready to face the world you will have to put on much more make-up than you ever thought you would need and instead of looking sick and washed out you will look like a clown. Did I mention that they also make it impossible to correctly apply make-up without a professional’s help?

2.  I don’t like playing games.  I am not at all competitive and in fact can slip into mini-panic attacks when playing any game that actually requires strategy.  So don’t be offended if you ask me to play a game and I decline.  It isn’t you.

3.  Hard boiling an egg to just the right consistency (yolk completely cooked but still fully yellow, not grayish) is a skill I have yet to master. 

4.  I am stealing this one from my mom, but I echo the sentiment completely; what exactly is a pill bug (potato bug, rolly polly) and what is their function in nature?

5.  Don’t watch CNN if you are used to Fox News.  It will be like watching TV in French with no subtitles.  (The opposite is true as well).

6.  Why so many TV shows that involve narrators or actors talking to the camera as if they are being interviewed? 

7.  Watching any of the “Real Housewives” shows makes me feel much better about my life for some reason.  Making your life seem completely shallow and useless seems like a lot of work. 

8.  I am fairly certain my 4 year old has most of the answers to all the world’s burning questions but is revealing them in a secret code of knock-knock jokes.

9.  I have almost completely lost the ability to write with a pen and paper.  It takes me at least two tries to write a check these days, often because I have forgotten how to fill one out, but also because when under pressure to write the check I suddenly forget how to spell.

10.  Sometimes I still get that “homesick” feeling you used to get at camp or sleepovers.  I guess you can take the kid out of the home, but you can never fully take “home” out of the kid.  

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