Monday, March 14, 2011

It’s all about the kids, after all

I’m back!  I realized that I haven’t posted my photos of  day in a while.  I took a little time off (not intentionally but it was a crazy couple weeks trying to get used to little league schedules).  Anyway, I am mostly back on the ball again.  But before I post pics I thought I would share some cute and funny things the kids have said or done.  The first that comes to mind is Anthony in the car this afternoon.  I guess his teacher gave them some extra time to do homework if they so desired.  Anthony chose not to do homework.  I asked why, because if he HAD done some homework he would have more time to play this week at home.  His answer “ I can’t do homework at school, it would just feel wrong.”  So, there you have it.  That is the only story I can think of at the moment, but if more come to me while I post photos I will be sure to add it in.


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