Monday, November 26, 2007

One door closes and another opens

Literally, we closed our old front and side doors for the last time this past weekend. We finally replaced what we liked to refer to as the cricket vortexes. Our originaly doors were just that, original, and they were bowed and had termite damage and probably weren't all that safe and definitely weren't energy efficient. So, with some anniversary money we purchased a new front door and side door. I was nervous, I will admit. Pretty much any time we do a project on our house we run into the same issue, NOTHING is square. Granted, the house is 50 years old, of course it has settled and probably withstood a few earthquakes, but it sure makes hanging a door tough. But Joe did it and did it well! I am so proud of him. We also did some interior things, like replacing some interior doors and painting them, new lights in the kitchen and new trim in a few places. The boys stayed with Joe's parents while we pulled some late nights and got as much done as we could. Anyway, I just wanted to share the pics of the new doors, they are kind of like our new babies at the moment. As you can see, it doesn't take much to make us happy, just having doors that actually shut is enough to put us over the top!!!

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