Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas time is here!!

I love Christmas. I do. I know a few posts ago I said I loved fall, which I do, but I REALLY love Christmas. We have our decrations up, the boys helped as much as they could. Those of you with kids, did you or do you rearrange the ornaments after the kids put all theirs in the same 4x4 square inches of tree? Well, I did, but it is worth it to watch them get excited each time you unwrap an ornmanent and hand it to them to put up. It is fun to have kids who are old enough to understand Christmas, what it means, and how special it is. It is exciting to be able to start traditions and and have the kids help think of new ones as well.

Of course there is much talk about Christmas lists and what we want Santa to bring. Everyday the boys' lists change, but Santa already has their gifts locked in. I think they will be pleased. This year I am trying to focus on the real gift, Jesus. We will make a cake and sing Happy Birthday.

The boys all have matching jammies for the season and they are just adorable!

There will be many more Christmas posts to follow. Hope you are all well.

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