Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007!

Ok, so you might think this will be my last Christmas post, but not so. This is just from Christmas with Joe's family. We have yet to do Christmas with my family so more to come!

Anyway, we had a wonderful time in Murrieta, CA where Joe's sister and family live. They have a little boy, Gavin, just one month older than Nico, so we had lots of fun with all 4 boys. We of course had a visit from Santa, but thrown in there was a birthday party for uncle Benjy who turned 30 on Christmas Day, and Daddy Joe who turned 25 (again) on the 23rd. We spent a lot of time setting up presents on Christmas Eve (we have learned that there is pretty much nothing worse than getting a toy and NOT being able to play with it immediately) and just hanging out. We went to a place called Mulligans where they had go carts and lazer tag and lots of other fun stuff for the kids (and grown-ups too) to do. It was a wonderful time together and we look forward to seeing my family in a few days. We always miss the family and friends we can't see this time of year and pray that you are all happy and healthy and heading into 2008 renewed and refreshed.

We made cookies, listened to Christmas music, watched the Grinch, It's A Wonderful Life, and of course, A Charlie Brown Christmas. The kids were ready to come home, however, and set have their new toys meet their old ones and just get back to their routine. The babies were adorable together and while cousin Gavin seems like he is certainly taking strides a bit faster than Nico (he walks and talks already) we are learning that Nico is a constant observer and takes everything in and can be pretty sneaky at times. He is quiet when he needs to be and babbles constantly other times.
Here are just a few pics from the festivities.

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