Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's Christmas time, still

Christmas is in 14 days. My initial reaction is, nu uh! But oh yes, this month is almost half over and I still haven't sent out my Christmas cards or finished shopping. I feel that three kids has slowed me down a bit. I can't imagine why.

Well, regardless of how behind I may be in pretty much everything I always have time for photos. This weekend we took pics with family friends and here are just a few of my favorites. I left some out as they will be surprises in your Christmas cards! I love you all and I hope you are enjoying this season. I am not sure what is better, the anticipation or Christmas actually arriving. And I am not talking only about the presents and egg nog and Christmas dinners. No, I am talking about the Eternal gift we celebrate this time of year. How lucky we are to know Jesus and even luckier to be able to express that love. Let's not forget that the greatest gift has already been given, for all of us. Praise the Lord.

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