Thursday, November 8, 2007

Flu shots

This morning the older boys got their flu shots. I had prepared them ahead of time but of course once the time came neither wanted to go first. I could tell the nurse was getting annoyed so I just picked up Dom, who was closer to me at the time, and put him on the table. He screamed and screamed and then it was done and he got a sticker. In the meantime Anthony is haveing a heart attack watching Dom go through this and all but runs out of the room to get away. I finally got him on the table and tried to hold his arms still, but man, he is strong, especially when scared. So, he screamed and cried and screamed and cried, got his shot, screamed and cried, picked a sticker, cried some more, picked a snack, remembered the whole ordeal and starting crying again. He wouldn't let me look at the shot site like I was supposed to to make sure it wasn't swelling or anything. He just has such a fear of pain, it is really sad. But, he survived and went to school afterwards and all is well.

So, it is a cloudy day here and I want a nap. The dishwasher handle is broken so the dishes that are currently washing in there right now might have to stay in there forever, I don't know. It is a Maytag so I might have to actually call a Maytag repair man, if they even do exist, to come and see what he can do.

Alright, hope this lovely November day finds you all happy and healthy and enjoying this time of year. I love fall, absolutely love it!

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