Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Las Vegas and bars of soap

I know they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but not this time. Our family, Joe's parents, his sister's family and his sister's husband's parents went to Vegas this past weekend. I know, it seems like a lot of people, alot of kids, and what in the world would we all do in Vegas? Well, let me tell you, we had fun. And not the kind of Vegas fun you might think.

It started out with a long drive during which the kids asked about a gillion times, "are we there yet?" We finally arrived after dark which Joe and I thought would be a huge hit, but the lights were not nearly as entrancing to the children as they were to the adults. I was hypnotized from the moment we arrived. The first night was pretty uneventful as we had two babies and a couple of toddlers who didn't have naps that day. The second day held much more. We took the kids to the 4 story M&M store which was a HUGE hit! You wouldn't think there could be 4 stories of M&M merchandise, but surprisingly, there is!!! Even the baby liked it. Although the older two were petrified of the man wearing the M&M suit outside the store. Pretty funny. We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe which was again, a huge hit with the kids. They have animoatronic animals that move and every 20 minutes there is a virtual thunderstorm. Very cool, and the food was pretty good too. We went to the Bellagio and watched the fountains, which was so amazing!!

Amidst all the Vegas stuff there was plenty of hanging out and of course, wonderful observations made by the children. The first night a few of us went to eat while Grandma and Grandpa stayed with the kids. Upon returning Grandma told us that Dom had gone to the bathroom at one point and was getting ready to wash his hands and was immediately confused. You see, at our house we use Purell or foaming soap. The hotel only had bar soap. He watched his brother open a bar of soap which, I will admit, did look a lot like a piece of cheese and asked where his cheese was. Grandma explained that it wasn't cheese, it was soap. She told him to rub it on his hands, which he did, all the while looking confused and frustrated. He told Grandma, "it doesn't work." She looked at his hands and realized he was just rubbing the soap on his dry hands. In between the laughter she explained to him that he needed to get his hands wet first. So, he did that, got the soap on them and proceeded to wash his hands as usual. Grandma told him to smell his hands, she said they smelled like oranges. He smelled his hands and said, "smells like cheese." So yes, I admit, my child had never seen a bar of soap before. He has also never seen a cassette tape, but that does't make me a bad mother!

On our last day we went to Circus, Circus and went to their Adventuredome where they have rides and games and kids stuff galore. They played a few games, rode the carousel
and had a great time. Nico slept through most of it. That night Joe and I celebrated our 8th anniversary and hit the town. We had dinner at the Venetian in a restaurant that looked over the canals. We walked around the Venetian and fondly remembered our honeymoon to Italy. Then we hit Caesar's Palace and gambled a bit, ate gelato, and people watched while I rested my achy feet. We were up by about 50 bucks and one point and so we went to the Paris and went to the top of the Eiffel tower, which was so cool! You could see the entire strip AND we got a glimpse of the Bellagio fountains again, albeit from behind a group of very selfish folks who decided no one but them should be allowed to view the beauty from a good spot. We gambled a bit more and ended up on top in the end. So, we headed home and called it a wonderful night.

All in all it was a great trip. The kids had fun, the adults had fun, a good time was had by all.

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