Friday, November 16, 2007

They DO listen, sometimes

Just wanted to share a little story about Anthony while it is fresh in my mind and making me smile. The other night the boys and I went to Joe's office for dinner since he was working late. The boys love to visit there and see daddy's Cyth office and play with all the cool stuff they have there. One of Joe's employees had a remote control helicoptor. I don't know if you have ever seen these, but they are pretty cool, they kind of hover and they are fairly indestructable. Anyway, of course the boys wanted to play with it and after showing them a few times how to do it they each got a chance. At one point during play time Anthony said, "Wow, thanks daddy for letting us play with this helicoptor." It was cute, and he usually says things like that, but what really got me was what Joe's partner, Andy, said in response. He said, "Did he just thank Joe for letting him play? How adorable." I about started to cry. It made me realize that our kids are learning from us, they are listening and they are wonderful children. When push comes to shove they know the right thing to do. So I must thank my parents and Joe's parents for teaching us the right things to do, for if it weren't for you we wouldn't be able to teach our kids. Love you all.

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