Sunday, November 11, 2007

Kids are amazing

Just wanted to share couple cute things the kids have said and done recently along with a couple new photos of the little rascals. At the moment I am watching the Discovery show "John and Kate PLus 8" about a family with 6 year old twins and 2 year old sextuplets. This show makes me so thankful that I only have three kids but it also reminds me how blessed I am to have three healthy, smart, and hilarious children and a wonderful husband. Yes, even Nico is hilarious. He makes this face now, it can mean he is upset or it can mean he is happy, but whatever it means at the time, he looks just like Mr. Magoo. Pictures will come soon, I still haven't captured this adorableness on film yet.

So, on to the other two. Dom, where do I even start? He is just too funny, absorbing everything around him these days, learning letters and numbers and pretending he can read. Normal three year old stuff but still we think he is a genius. So, first off, we were having a discussion about what we all might want to be for Halloween next year and we decided that all of us would be super heroes. When it came to what I would be I chose Wonder Woman. When I asked Dom later that day what mommy was going to be he answered "Wonder Melon." I like that one better, perhaps I will have to make my own costume. Then at church last week they were learning about Jesus' birth and luckily Joe was helping in his class and heard this first hand. They were talking about Jesus as a baby and what his mother Mary might have said to him. Without thinking Dom replied with "go to sleep!" I had to agree. I am sure that even the mother of Jesus had to remind him it was bed time every once in a while. Out of the mouths of babes.

Anthony, he just amazes us all the time with how much he remembers and how much he already knows. He is reading so well, even getting punctuation and dialogue right, which is just so fun to see. He has been showing a little bit of attitude lately, but that is normal for a 5 year old. He is just trying to figure out how he fits into our little family and what his role is. Sometimes, however, we feel like he sees himself as another parent, at least when it comes to telling Dom what to do. The problem comes when he tries to tell us what to do. But again, normal stuff and often very humorous. But our favorite thing he does lately is recap, well, everything. For instance, if he asks how to put the garbage bag in the garbage can, we will tell him and he will then proceed to repeat, verbatim, what we have said and then he usually adds in some of his own ideas, which are really insightful. Another great one is this morning on the way to church for some reason I was trying to explain to the boys the saying "you can't take it with you" I think because we were telling them they weren't allowed to take their toys into church with them. After I sort of explained the saying Anthony said "oh, so you can't take it with you means that if a toy is too big or your favorite that you can't take it to a place where someone might want to play with it." For now, that is what it means in our house. He is just delicious!

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