Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pilgrims and Indians

Dominic made indian and pilgrim hats today at school. When I went to pick the boys up he was wearing the indian one while playing on the playground. I asked him if he was learning about Thanksgiving in school and why he made those hats. He said the pilgrims and indians made popcorn and ate it together. Not a bad evening if I do say so myself.

Right now Anthony and Dominic are wearing the pilgrim and indian hats and playing race cars. I love kids.

Nicolas is getting his second tooth and he is not happy about it. He has always put everything in his mouth, but now he gets really upset (see Magoo face in above post) when we try to take something away from him that he shouldn't be chewing on, like old food from under the table, etc. But for someone who is teething he is still fairly pleasant and is sleeping A LOT, so that is a bonus.

Oh, by the way, whenever I get him up from his nap he immediately strains his neck and tries to get out of my arms to see his brothers. He knows they are playing somewhere and he wants to be there with them. So cute.

We are getting ready to go to Vegas for a pre-Thanksgiving extravaganza with the family. It should be really fun. The Joe and I get to come home for 4 days WITHOUT the kids, they will go home with grandma and grandpa from Vegas. We plan to do stuff to the house that is tough with three rugrats tearing around. We also plan to relax and just spend some wonderful time together as well.

We hope your Thanksgivings are full of, well, thanks, and that you are reminded of all that you have. And if you are having a particularly tough time this Thanksgiving we pray that the Lord will give you peace and you will be reminded of His presence in your life even amidst the tough times. We are thankful for each and every one of you.

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