Sunday, September 7, 2008

Superfriends to the rescue

This weekend was the big weekend, the big superhero party for Anthony and Dominic. Since we aren't going to be home for Halloween this year (the older two boys are in a wedding on Nov.1st and the rehearsal is on Halloween) we decided to let them have a superhero birthday party where they, and anyone else, could dress up. We had so much fun. Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Supergirl, and even The Flash showed up. We had cupcakes and a pinata and superhero pizza and juice boxes. The boys got so much attention at the beach where we had the party. I guess San Deigo doesn't get a lot of superhero visits. They wore their costumes all day and would have slept in them as well if we had let them. I think they will be wearing them from now until forever, even at the rehearsal dinner on Halloween (I asked the bride, she said that would be SO CUTE!). Here are just some of the highlights of the party and a few others thrown in for fun. (The hulk underoos are courtesy of Grandma Pat.)

1 comment:

megkingjohnson said...

soooo cute. love the ones of all of them on the wall. awesome. :-)