Thursday, September 25, 2008


My boys are really into exercise these days, or as they call it, extercise. It all comes back to wanting to be big and strong like daddy, or Spiderman, or Batman. I have been exercising in the mornings and while I try to get up and do it before they wake up, this is a seemingly impossible feat, as they wake up around 5 am most days and while I am dedicated to getting in shape, I am not 5 am dedicated, at least not yet.

The other day we came home from picking Anthony up from school and they went to play in the play room. Not 30 seconds had passed before they were back in the kitchen, shirts off, showing me their muscles. I told them they should do push ups to make those muscles stronger. So they did. If you have never seen a 4 year old or a 6 year old do a push up, you really must. I showed them the modified version (knees bent) and that seemed to help their form a little, but not much. They soon moved on to lifting things. It started out small, a single toy or chair from their little table. Then Anthony got the idea to fill their toy shopping cart with toys and lift that. That proved much harder, but he did it several times. All the while stopping periodically to show me his muscles. Eventually for reasons known only to them they were only wearing their underwear and were not longer extercising.

Then at one point Dom comes into the kitchen and says "I am going to go extercise some more. Oh, I better put on pants."

Right now both boys are at running club at Anthony's school. They do it every morning, kids come and run around the field and for each lap they get a ticket to be redeemed at some point for something. But it is a great way to get their wiggles out and get them ready to learn. Dom wanted to go with Anthony today so I have a quiet morning at the moment. The baby is still asleep and I am going to go drink some coffee. I already did my extercises for the day so now it is on to other things.

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