Friday, September 12, 2008

More about school and life in general

So, week two is coming to an end and so far Anthony has come home every day with a huge smile on his face, excited to tell us about what he did at school and the friends he has made. I can't tell you how this eases a mother's heart and mind. I am confident in what he will be learning, confident in his teacher, but you just never know how the social and emotional aspect is going to turn out. So far so good. I realize it has only been two weeks, and it is kindergarten, but you just never know. When I pick him up everyday and see the huge smile on his face, see him carry his "beary nice" card that he received for being a good friend and fellow student, hear him start into all that he did that day, I feel such a huge sense of relief.

Life isn't quite so sunny for the two that get "left behind" each day. Not that life is bad, well, it depends on who is telling the story I suppose. Dominic has actually been doing pretty well, until about 8 am (Anthony leaves at 7:30), then he starts into "I'm bored, I'm hungry, Nico's bugging me." Now, the part about Nicolas is almost always true, I often hear myself thinking or saying the same thing throughout the day. My point is, they miss their brother. I miss their brother. So, now that we have a better feel for what our weekly routine is I am now faced with the task of finding things for these little rascals to do. Dominic will do either a sport or some sort of martial art. Nicolas will just have to settle for time at the park for his exercise. We wish we had the resources at the moment to put Dom back into preschool, but that will have to wait for after the new year and maybe even next year. Although, with his social neediness I am considering putting him in kindergarten next year. We shall see how he is at the end of this school year, if he seems ready enough to start real school or if another year of preschool would be better.

Nicolas, oh Nicolas. Part of the problem is he is entering into the terrible, I mean terrific twos! He wants to do everything himself, he doesn't want to do anything you tell him to do, he throws himself on the floor, all the good stuff I have gone through twice before. Actually, only once before really, Anthony was not a usual two year old. If anything he throws more fits now than he ever did as a toddler. So, the majority of my day is spent keeping Nico away from all the things he isn't supposed to get into, like the phones, my computer, the cabinets, our bedroom. It is as if all the toys we have all over the house are invisible or something, unless of course one of his brothers is playing with something, then he HAS to have it.

We wil figure it out, it just might take a little while to do so. The hardest part is that the baby still needs a nap at some point in the day. I try to hold him off until Anthony gets home, but he doesn't always make it, which means Dom is stuck at home during this time bored out of his mind. I mean, a meddling baby brother is better than no brother at all.

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