Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Frist day of school, part I

I hesitated to even write. Today is Anthony's first day of kindergarten. It started out great. I thought he would be up with the sun, ready to go, since that has been the norm over the summer. No sleeping in, not for my kids. But for whatever reason he had to be woken up, but he woke up happy and ready to go. He got dressed and came down for breakfast. Auntie Erin sent a special first day of school prize for him to open (which he loved by the way, thanks Auntie!). Then we talked about what he might do today, we got his backpack and lunchbox all ready to go, said a prayer, and were out the door. We took two cars, which was our first mistake. Anthony and Dom wanted to ride with daddy, so they did. I knew parking would be nuts, especially on the first day, so we left with what I thought would be plenty of time for both of us to park and walk to Anthony's class, take some pics, give hugs, and be on our way. Well, I underestimated how many parents would be there and how many cars would need to carry those parents. Luckily Joe found a spot in front on school and was able to get Anthony to his class before the bell rang for school to start. I was not so lucky. I drive around for 10 minutes trying to find a spot and when I finally did I was bombarded by all the parents EXITING school because the bell had rung and school had started.

I didn't get a goodbye hug on his first day, I didn't get to say good luck, I didn't get to take pics as he went into his class. Anthony could have cared less, Joe said he just walked right in and had to be reminded to give Joe and hug goodbye. That part made me feel better. I knew it would go that way, but I guess deep down in my mommy's heart I had a secret wish that Anthony would be crushed if he didn't get to give me a hug goodbye. So, I was the only one shedding tears this morning, and it wasn't just because I was sending my little boy off into the world, it was because I didn't get to do it the way I had hoped. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully it wil go better.

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