Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just some stuf

So, we are still in MN visiting my family. It has been a lot of fun, a lot of work, and so worth it. The boys have gotten to spend a lot of time with their cousin Stellan who is Dom's age and also with their Auntie and Uncle. It has not been without it's meltdowns and nights where no one wants to go to bed when their are supposed to, but all the fun and watching the children play together has made up for every second of stress. The kids have of course said some adorable things and to keep up with my list of cute sayings I thought I would post a MN edition.

When we were swimming at the lake Dom kept wanting to swim out past the blue boobs (buoys). He kept yelling it as loud as he could. I think everyone got a kick out of it.

Nico is talking so much this trip, just repeating everything you say. He can say grandma and grandpa and even tries to say Auntie Grant and Uncle Meghan. He is blowing kisses and saying thank you all the time, sometimes even when he is supposed to!! One morning we were sitting eating breakfast thinking he was still fast asleep and all of a sudden he comes walking into the kitchen. My mom and I looked at each other quizzically and realized, there was no one up there to get him out of bed. It turns out he got out all by himself and climbed down the stairs. (I have watched him do it now a few times and he goes down on his belly and says "dow backa" which means down backwards. We had put an extra mattress in his pack n play but apparently it made it much easier for him to climb out, so, we took the mattress out and he hasn't been able to get out, yet. So just in case we put a baby gate at his door.

Anthony has been on and off homesick, which is normal for him. He is a homebody and every once in while just really wants to be back at his own house. Not to mention he misses his daddy terribly! But, he is doing much better now and tonight Uncle Grant made a wonderful chicken dinner with sauteed spinach. When Anthony sat down to eat he looked at my plate with the spinach on it and said "what is the murky stuff?"

To top off an already wonderful day, I put the older boys down after reading a book and asked them if they wanted me to sing to them. I don't usually do this but have done it a few times on this trip to help Dom quiet down and feel safe. I usually sing hyms or praise songs and tonight was no different. I started out small, Jesus Loves Me, and then got a little more into it and ended with "How Great Thou Art." Even though the boys had fallen asleep about three songs earlier I continued to sing quietly, enjoying the fact that my children had been lulled to sleep with words of love and promise. I sang the last verse a little louder and really tried to feel the words and pray them for myself and my kids. "Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, and there proclaim, my God, how Great Thou Art." Love you all.

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