Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Funny things our family does and says - 2

So, the boys have been especially funny lately. Here is the latest:

Dom, "Mommy, what does that big sign say."
Mommy, "Pomerado Business Park."
Dom, "Oh, that is where people go to get busy."

Dom, while playing with his dinosaur toys, "With great dinosaur power comes great dinosaur responisbility."

And my personal favorite as of late:

In Sunday school this week the boys learned about prayer. Anthony's class made a prayer box where they can write down their prayers on paper and place it in the box. So, he shows me his box, very cute, lots of glue, kind of sticky. I open it to see what's inside and it is his first prayer which says (hold the tears for later) "I pray my brother Dom won't get scared at night anymore." I could just eat him up!!!

Nico still doesn't say much but that doesn't mean he isn't funny. He learns new words everyday, his latest as of today are ball, thank you (di do), Anthony (AAAA-ti), Dom, (slsjkljdfjls-ic), mommy (bobby), daddy (said perfectly), up please (upee), bottle (beep beep, because he knows when the microwave beeps, the bottle is ready.) What a sweet heart!

Hope these made you smile.

Love you all!!

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