Monday, July 28, 2008

Minnesota Fun - part 1

Hi all. Well, we are currently deep into our trip to MN. So far it has been really fun. We have played baseball, football, croquet, and soccer. We built a fort on the porch, we have visited great Grandma Mo-mo twice, we went to a county fair and did all kind of fair stuff, and today we went to a lake and went swimming! We still have a ways to go with our visit and today Uncle Grant, Auntie Meghan, and cousin Stellan arrive so we will be a really full house! We are so excited. It is fun to see the boys do MN type things like swim in lakes and play in the grass and get grass stains on their clothes. I don't think I have ever cleaned a grass stain from their clothes in my life until this trip!
Anyway, enjoy the photos, there will be many more to come.

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