Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cuteness times 3

So Meghan, you have inspired me to keep a better online record of the cute, funny, ridiculous, and sometimes nasty things my kids say. You never know what is going to come out of their mouths. After all, they are like sponges, constantly taking in information and not always processing it correctly, which can mean some pretty funny things, or processing it ways you would have never though, which can mean some pretty insightful things. Whatever the case may be, kids say the darndest things. For one, Dominic was eating ice cream yesterday, in a cone, and I kept reminding him (and yes, helping him as well) to keep it from dripping down the sides. At one point he says "look mommy, I made my ice cream handsome" which meant, he made it clean and tidy, no drips, no stickys. For your reference, when we get the boys" handsome" not being sticky is a very important part of that. You just never know with boys.

Of course Nico doesn't talk that much yet, but when he does it is chock full of cute. He loves phones and will put anything up to his ear and say "bye bye!" That is his favorite part of the call so far, even though he can say hi. He also loves to watch the microwave while his bottle warms up, I count down with him from about 5 and when I get to one he goes "beep". So cute.

Anthony is just amazing. The things he knows, the things he remembers, and now that he has his glasses and can actually see he has a whole new vigor for reading! I mean, even without them he loved to read, but now that he can actually see correctly life is just so much more beautiful to him. On the way home from the eye doctor he said that he couldn't wait to get his new eyes. I told him, glasses aren't new eyes, they just make your regular eyes see better. And I told him that some of the coolest people wear glasses, like Grandpa Bernie, Grandma Pat, Uncle Grant, Auntie Meghan, Mommy, Grandma Janis, Grandpa Gene (sometimes) and Grandma Nonna! He is just excited to have Spiderman glasses. And as AUntie Meghan commented, he is now a regular Harry Potter.

Let's not forget about Joe. While his cuteness factor isn't quite as high as his offspring, he is still pretty cute. One of his favorite things about the new house is the number of bathrooms. He has bathroom reader books and Calvin and Hobbes books stashed in all of them so he can have some alone time. His other favorite thing is having his own closet. The first few days he would say " I am going to go walk into my closet and pick something out to wear". For those of you who have seen our old closet, or what was supposed to pass for a closet, you can understand the novelty of not just having a walk in closet, but having his OWN walk in closet. He also like our "food room" or as most of you would call it, the pantry. It has a light and it is one of the best places to hide when he and the boys play hide and seek in the dark. Oh, and the other night he was reading a book about sharks with them and they were learning about how big certain sharks are. He got out his measuring tapes and laid them out to show how long a whale shark is (43 feet) and a great white (23 feet) etc. It was fun to see him teaching the kids and all of them getting excited about it.

That about sums it up. I haven't said anything cute in a while, I just look so darn cute I don't have too! Ha Ha. Hope you all are well. More to come...

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