Sunday, June 29, 2008

Life as we know it

Well, we are moved and settled in to our new place. The boys love having their upstairs room and new bunkbeds (which I put together, by the way, and as Anthony would say, "she said dang it a lot"). But, I did it and they love their new beds. I am just loving having more space, not just for me, but for the kids too. They can literally run laps inside the house! There is a lake a bout a mile away and you can fish there. There is also a 5 mile trail around the lake for walking or biking. When it isn't too hot that is one of our new favorite places to go. Anthony will start school in Sept. and while we are so excited for him to start kindergarten, it is still hard to believe that we have a child old enough to start kindergarten, and another one not that far away!!!! At least I have Nico who, I am afraid, is a bit of a momma's boy. I am not fighting it, I am enjoying having him cling to me i new situations and cry when I leave him at the church nursery. My other two have always been so independent, which I love, but seeing as how Nico is my last I am kind of enjoying him being a baby for a little longer.

I have included a few more pics of the new house as well as some new ones of the kids. They are definitely becoming brothers more and more, sharing toys, helping each other. Anthony makes sure that every day daddy doesn't forget to give Nico a big hug and kiss when he leaves. It is so sweet to see them love each other.

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