Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 5th!!!

That is the day we get the keys to our new house! We can't wait. We thought it might be another week, so we are really excited! It will be so nice to be able to bring stuff over there before the movers come to take the furniture, that way we can clean and touch up paint without all the boxes and stuff around. It has come to a point where #1, we don't have any more boxes, and #2, even if we did we have no place to put them once they are filled so it doesn't really matter anyway! We are bursting at every seam and need to get some of this stuff moved. The kids are in a state of confusion and almost constant meltdowns, and understandably so, their lives are turned upside down at the moment. They can't find their toys, their clothes, they only have 1 pair of shoes the wear at the moment, and all their movies have been packed along with the DVD player, so, Thurs. can't come quick enough! We think we will sleep their Friday night, camp out with our inflatable bleds and pack n plays and see how the new house feels to us. Then Sat we can have both places which will be SOOOO nice! We can clean and fix up the old place and have the kids at the new place. I figure we will bring most of their toys and stuff over a long with their toy shelf and they can start putting things away in their room and getting it the way they want it. I also figure I may have to unpack and send boxes BACK with Joe if we can't find any more free or cheap boxes.

So, I just wanted to update you all on where we are in the process. I will post pics of the moving insanity as well as the new place once I have some.


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