Thursday, June 12, 2008

New house, new rules, new life

Well, we are essentially moved in. I mean, the furniture is here, the kids' toys are in their rooms right where they want them, the pots and pans are in their respective cabinets, most of the boxes are unpacked. I won't talk about the garage and the pile of stuff that has accumulated for one reason or another.

So, we have a new home, and so far so good. I won't say things have gone without incident, I don't think they ever do, and with three young children it would be a virtual miracle! The actual move went great, we moved all the boxes, well, Joe moved all the boxes and misc small items we were worried might get broken, the movers moved the furniture, and we have basically unpacked all the important stuff.

Now, on to the "virtually without indident" stuff. The kids have been in a bit of turmoil for about a month. That is when we started packing and getting it in their heads that we were going to live in a new house. They were excited and helped pack and are still excited, but I think all the changes have finally caught up with them. They haven't slept much, eaten well, or seen friends for about a week now. We are all paying the price. Nicolas is showing the most signs of beign upset, however. I didn't expect it, but I think he is really confused about the new house, he can't express it in words, so instead he constantly clings to me, cries at the drop of a hat, and has broken out in a rash. I think part of all of this is teething, which doesn't help, but at any rate, he is out of sorts and not dealing well with all the upheaval. Anthony isn't far behind Nicolas in his behavior and it is hard, I will admit, to know who to deal with him. I know he is upset about certain things, but at the same time, it doesn't give him the right to act out in some of the ways he has been.

Dominic has actually handled things pretty well, but he is our go with the flow guy most of the time anyway. I am hoping that after a few weeks here, settling into our new routine, they will all feel like this is home.

Joe and I are truly enjoying the new place, even with all its little oddities. It wasn't designed well, but, it is bigger, has more than one bathroom, and a two car garage, so we are happy.

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