Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dentists and garage sales

The boys had their first dentist visits on Friday. I will admit I was a bit nervous. I wasn't sure how either of them would react to someone rooting around in their mouths, all the scraping and buzzing of the tools, the x-rays, all of it. Joe accompanied us as we needed an extra pair of hands anyway to keep Nicolas from destroying the place. He actually went back with them when they were called and everything went great! They were so grown up, didn't fuss a bit, and couldn't wait to come home and brush their teeth while watching their new hour glasses (to make sure they brushed long enough). So, all my mommy fears were quelled and I am happy to report that the dentist is not a scary place for my kids, however, the balloons at the end put Anthony into a fit like no other. But aside from that all went well.

Garage sales. You either love them or hate them. I love shopping, don't love putting one on myself. So, on our way to church today we ran across what seemed like your average Sunday garage sale. But then on closer inspection (while driving by at 30 miles an hour) we noticed a lot of nice furniture, I mean, ALOT. Like, were these people being run out of town? Did they owe someone large sums of money? What could possible be the reason to sell so much lovely furniture? So Joe hopped out of the car to ask how much a beautiful cherry armoire was and a desk he liked. Turns out these people are movers and usually move wealthy people from place to place and inevitably these wealthy people just give away some of their wealthy people furniture. This couple said they usually keep it but didn't have room for most of these pieces as they were very large. So, for a steal we now have a new, gorgeous armoire for our new entry room, a solid oak bookshelf, and a custom English antique desk. I won't tell you the amount we paid, but let's just say we got a great deal, and the price included delivery! It pays to buy from a mover. I will post pics of the stuff once it is delivered later today.

I better get back to packing and cleaning.

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