Sunday, August 3, 2008

More from thje midwest

I apologize now for any and all typos in my latest blogs. I am usually writing while trying to keep Nicolasfrom getting into naughty things so I don't have time for spell check, or even time to ensure that what I am writing makes any type of sense.

Yesterday was a fun day. In the morning we went downtown to the modern art center where there is a museum and an outdoor sculpture garden (which I just learned my mother had never been to in all their 13 years of living here.) Every first Saturday of the summer months everything is free and they have music and food and special activities for the children. The kids got to build a sculpture from reeds and pine cones and leaves, they danced to the fun music, played in and among the huge sculptures, and came home and took long naps!

Last night grandpa, Grant, and I took the older 3 boys fishing. I will post pics after I get home as they are on my phone and I can't get to them without special software and cables. But I will say that I caught the first and biggest fish of the night, a bull catfish! I was a bit taken aback, I will admit, it was hard to reel in and I know they can "sting" when you try to get them off. All three boys caught small sunfish and they had a really good time.

On another note, at supper time we say grace but in is actually quite an undertaking. My brother and his family start it out with the sign of the cross (which Stellan has to get just right before continuing on to the prayer), then they say their family prayer, then we say the prayer I grew up saying, and then Dom usually says his own little prayer thanking Jesus for his family, the food, and something random like his green elephant cup or his corn on the cob. It is really sweet.

That is it for this post. More later. Oh, by the way, Joe is officially on his way to Austin, TX for his trade show. Say a prayer for him and his group that they will have a successful time. They all put so much work into it and want it to go well.

Love to you all.

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