Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A week of firsts…

It has been busy since I wrote last.  For one thing, Nicolas got his first ear infection.  The poor kid woke up crying Sunday night asking for a band aid for his ear.  So sad.  But he is on antibiotics now and on the mend, annoying his brothers as always.  It’s good to have him back. 

Speaking of the big brothers.  They received their first paychecks this past week.  They have been helping daddy put together new office chairs at Cyth and each earned $20 for all their hard work.  We are now trying to teach them about saving money and are debating whether or not now is a good time to open them savings accounts or not.  It seems that Dom will be our little pennysaver, mostly because he forgets about the money almost immediately.  Anthony, on the other hand, thinks about what he will buy, changes his mind, calculates how much money he has, and repeats this process over and over again.  So, we are trying. 

Another first, at least for me, was refinishing a piece of furniture.  We stained our kitchen table this past weekend and it turned out so great!  DSC01717For those of you who don’t know, it was from Ikea and was that light, unfinished pine color before we stained it.  I am so happy with the way it turned out.  It was a lot of fun too, so I have plans to stain a few more things. 

Life is moving right along for us these days.  I was marveling yesterday at how great my kids are.  Of course they act up and throw fits, they are kids.  But Anthony has started apologizing for his fits shortly after they are over which still shocks me.  It just reminds me how grown up he is becoming.  It also gives me a glimpse into his heart, which has always been so sweet and soft.  Nicolas is still struggling with potty training.  Today, for some reason, he won’t go on the potty at all.  Not sure what is up, if it is because he is sick, or what.  So, I am almost ready to  give up and just put him in underpants all the time no matter what may happen.  Almost I said.

The big boys went to the dentist and neither had any cavities!  That makes three trips to the dentist so far and no cavities.  Thanks goodness!  At least now when they do get one they will have good memories to go on. 

Joe’s work continues to grow which is such a blessing.  He has built something so fantastic with Andy, his partner, and whenever I go to his office I get that twinge of pride in my stomach when I look at how far he has come from working out of our garage.  He is a picture of the American dream and what makes this country great.  I am so proud of him I could burst! 

So, we are good, ear infections and potty training problems aside.  Those things are just part of what keeps life interesting.  I am so blessed to have three amazing sons who always amaze me with their humor, smarts, and love.  I have a husband who works harder than anybody I know and rarely complains, and takes care of us like no one else could.  Life is good.

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