Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I missed a week.  Well, I am trying.  I feel like it has been years since I last wrote but it hasn’t.  It isn’t that a lot has happened but I guess when you have three kids and are training for a half marathon time gets away from you.  Oh, didn’t I tell you all?  Yep, I am training for a half marathon.  I am actually training to walk most of it, since I hate running, but it is kind of growing on me.  Not enough to ever want to run an full marathon, but since it is becoming easier each day to run a little further I feel really great about my efforts. 

Joe and I are still on our low carb diet, although I am not as strict as we were in the beginning.  Joe is still gung ho and doing so great!  I have mostly decided to eat as little refined sugar and processed food as I can but I am not going to kick myself if I cave and have a piece of homemade bread.  (It is so hard to resist it right out of the oven.)  I find we are eating less and eating better, which is a win win in my book.  Weight loss aside, we both feel better and I definitely have more energy. 

We are still struggling with potty training Nico.  It is going to come to the point where we just get rid of any kind of diaper or training pants.  He needs to be in a big boy bed and learn to go when he feels like it rather than us constantly reminding him.  As for poop, well, it might just take a few really crappy, pun intended, days to convince him the potty is a perfectly fine place to poop.  We shall see. 

The big boys are growing so fast.  I know all parents say that, but the amount of shoes and pants we go through is proof, they are actually growing so fast!  and forget about handing anything down to Nicolas.  Once Dom gets a hold of it it will either have holes in the knees or a big stain on the collar where he has chewed on it.  Although, right now Nicolas and Dom can wear the same shirts and almost the same pants.  For a while they were sharing shoes too, but Dom finally moved on to the next size.  I fear Nicolas will surpass them both in size and girth.  The kid is sturdy, that is for sure. 

Dom wanted me to tell you all that has finally learned how to whistle.  He is very excited. 

That about covers our lives right now.  Hope this post finds you all well.     

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