Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I just can’t keep up..

with all the kids are saying.  I am going to try to record a few of the newest things here, but it is getting harder and harder now that I have three little talkers to keep track of. 

My first story isn’t about talking, nope, it is about pooping, so if you are squeamish you might want to skip this paragraph and move on to the next one.  Ok, if you are still here it must mean you have potty trained someone before.  So, as you know Nico hasn’t pooped in the potty yet.  We have tried it all.  So today I finally had had enough and when he got undressed from his jammies to go potty I knew he had to go poop too, so I made him sit there.  I tried everything, yet again, to get him to poop.  Extra candy, ice cream, taking away his new favorite toy, etc.  Nothing.  So then I told him wasn’t going to get pants, not even underpants, until he pooped in the potty.  he could get down, but he wasn’t getting pants.  I figured this had to work since he kept asking me to put his diaper on him (so he could poop I assume.)  So, he gets down and stays pretty close to the bathroom, which I think is a good sign.  Well, I was wrong.  After about 10 minutes he comes creeping around the corner looking very guilty, just like a puppy who has had an accident.  Well, that is exactly what happened, he had an accident, all over the bathroom floor.  My only consolation is that at least it was in the bathroom, he is getting closer!  Ugh, I am pooped, pun very much intended. 

Now on to much cuter things the kids are doing and saying.  As usual Anthony is my little chatty Cathy.  He keeps a running monologue of the entire day as it is happening.  He has learned to at least do it quietly most of the time, but it is so cute.  He has so much to say he just can’t keep it inside.  Two of his new favorite works are “rarely” and “familiar”.  He uses them perfectly and it always surprises us when he does.  For instance, the other day he said “I’m not familiar with this show.”  He also told me yesterday that he wants to skip some grades and graduate from college early so he can be done with school for good.  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that after that is finished comes year and years of working for a living.  I figured this was his daydream for the day and let him have it.

Valentine’s Day was a huge success as our house.  Mommy got a brand new Magic Bullet blender, Daddy got a new video game, the boys got legos, and Nico got a monster truck.  Daddy snuck the boys out one night to go shopping for me and while they were shopping Joe asked Dom who his valentine was.  He wasn’t sure at first, but admitted it was Mackenzie from church.  So sweet.  Then daddy asked him who HIS valentine was, assuming at least Anthony and Dom would say “mommy” without pause.  Nope.  Apparently Dom things daddy’s valentine is or should be Taylor Swift.  Hey, at least it wasn’t Britney Spears! 

So, that’s where we are at the moment.  Trying to get the potty thing down, learning new words, and first valentines.  The future is looking bright.  Enjoy the pics.

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