Thursday, February 11, 2010

I bet you thought I forgot

It is almost the end of the week and I haven’t posted yet, so I assume you all thought I wouldn’t remember to post this week, but you were wrong!  I actually just ran to the computer to jot down a couple things the kids have said in the last 10 minutes that had me laughing out loud. 

At the moment they are playing together with these plastic math links I got them a while back.  They are little plastic rings that link together so you can do patterning and stuff.  Anyway, they have a huge snake and are chasing each other all around playing some sort of game.  I had to get on their case about jumping on the couches and Anthony’s response was “you can’t put us in time out for being cute.”  My response was “oh yes I can!”  His response “oh, ok, we’ll stop, but you can’t put us in time out for having fun, right?”  My response “what do you think?”  They haven’t touched the couch since, not even to sit. 

Nicolas’ new favorite song is the wheels on the bus.  We sing it in the car all day long and I try to add funny verses whenever I can.  His newest favorite verse was actually created in an attempt to draw attention to his ornery attitude in the car the other day.  It goes something like this (sung to the tune you all know and love) “the Nicolas in the car says, NO NO NO, NO NO NO, NO NO NO, the Nicolas in the car says NO NO NO all through the town.”  He sings it to himself all day long and of course adds his own take such as “The Nicolas in the potty goes poop poop poop, etc.”  Yes, that one surprised me since he hasn’t actually done that yet, but at least he is thinking about it. 

Oh, it is like a sitcom around here sometimes and in the midst of losing my mind sometimes, just sometimes, I can step back and see the humor in the fact that all three kids are running around in their underwear with Fun Dip stain all over their hands and faces. 

I am finding that while I enjoy having three fairly self sufficient children I sometimes miss the predictability of infants and toddlers.  I don’t miss the sleepless nights and innumerable diapers, but I do miss being able to put them down somewhere and they can’t move from that spot, or putting them in a bouncy while I made dinner or cleaned the house, or put them in (are you sensing a pattern here, I miss having control of where they go and what they do).  But at the same time I love seeing their imaginations and creativity blossom and I especially love watching and listening to all three play together as buddies.  Nicolas is finally part of the melee and he is loving every minute of it! 

So, there, I didn’t forget to post this week and feel like I have a million more stories I could tell but can’t recall at the moment.  But I am blessed, I know that, with three healthy and vibrant, oh so vibrant, children.  It often feels like too much, but in a good way. 

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