Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I have a seven year old! (and I am not sure how I feel about that)

Today Anthony turns seven. I am not sure you heard me, I said, SEVEN!!! So, that makes me, well, older than I feel. Now, don't get me wrong, I love having older kids. They dress and feed themselves, occasionally they will clean up after themselves, they can entertain themselves for long periods of time, and they are so much fun to talk to. It is just that, well, I can't possibly be old enough to have a seven year old. But alas, here I am, celebrating my first born's seventh year of birth. I thought I would tell some of my favorite Anthony stories in honor of this momentous day.

To begin with, I was pretty sure Anthony wasn't going to arrive at all. I was all set for him to arrive on September 7th, or there abouts, but 3 days later, nope, 5 days later, nope, a week later, NOTHING! At that point the doctor asked if I wanted to induce. Um, YES! So, on September 16th, at about 4 am I woke up, showered, packed my bag and Joe and I went off to have our first baby. He arrived after only 14 hours of labor a delivery. I pushed twice, and then just like that, Joe and I were parents, we were a family instead of just a couple. It was magical and miraculous and ever so slightly terrifying.

Anthony was the perfect baby, on a schedule right away, only cried when he was hungry or tired, slept peacefully and ate quickly. We were in heaven! He was easy to take places, slept pretty much all the time, and at 9 months even went with us to Cancun and did amazing. Well, except for one incident that involved a very messy diaper, a highchair at a restaurant, and daddy cleaning him up in the restroom. But he smiled the entire time!

As he grew we were amazed at how thoughtful and observant he was. He never went through the terrible two's, although potty training had it's moments. But as is so like him, he fought and fought and fought, and then one day just decided to do it. Things have to happen on his time, whether it is apologizing to one of his brothers or coming to the dinner table. He has this uncanny ability to block out the sound of your voice if you are saying something he doesn't like.

Let's skip ahead a few years. One of the things Joe and I try really hard to do is keep track, and write down, the funny things our kids say. Anthony has had some great ones. One of my personal favorites was once, back when we had kitties, he said to me, "I am going to go ask the kitty where she is going." Then he walked over to her, got right in her face, and said "meow, meow, meow, Roxy." Of course he knew that speaking her language would make it easy for her to understand. Perhaps he will be a diplomat someday.

Anthony is such a blessing in our lives and as he grows and becomes older and more mature we are constantly amazed at how smart, thoughtful, and just awesome he is! He is the first to help Nicolas if he can't get something to work, and the first to reach him when he is getting into something naughty! He watches out for both of his brothers and is a friend to everyone he meets. Last year I heard numerous times from moms that Anthony was one of their child's "best friends" at school. He never excludes anyone and just wants to get to know you. It warmed my heart to know that he wasn't part of a clique but rather befriended everyone. His sensitive spirit is definitely one of his best qualities. While I am still in shock that he is seven I am also so excited for the future and the young man he will become. I know he will grow to be an amazing man because he is already an amazing kid! Of course, he has some of the best examples any boy could ask for. Thank you daddy and grandpas and uncles! I can't tell you much it means to this mother of three boys to know that her children have a wealth of wonderful, kind, strong, honest men to look up to in this world when men, real men, are become a rarity. I know my boys will grow up to have integrity, morals, self-esteem, and respect for themselves and others. Joe and I certainly could not do this alone, that is for sure!

Please know that as we rejoice with Anthony today for coming into our lives that we also rejoice in the fact that he came into the family that he did. Joe and I know just how lucky we are to have the families we do.

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