Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of school

Today is the first day of school for both Anthony and Dominic. It was a busy morning; up at 6:30, breakfast for everyone (don't forget the coffee for mom and dad), get everyone dressed, pack lunches, pack backpacks, load the car, off we go!! Anthony was first and he was so excited! He couldn't wait to see who was in his class this year from last year and to meet his new teacher. He is in a bungalow this year, for those of you unfamiliar, it is like a adjunct classroom. They use trailers, like on construction sites. He was super excited to be in a bungalow! So, we waited for the teacher, lined up, and said goodbye. Then it was off to Dom's school. There was a lot of waiting around since we got there super early, but that was fine. Joe had never been to the school before so he was able to look around and check things out. Dom was so excited he couldn't keep still! He waited in line so well, though, once he was asked. Then it was kisses and hugs for him and in he went, his first day of real school! I am so proud of them both and excited for the year ahead and the things they will learn and the friends they will make. So now Nico and I are sitting in the kitchen talking about what to do today. He apparently wants crackers, so, that is easy. I on the other hand need to find something to distract me from the immense quiet that now surrounds me! My little boys are growing up and I am so happy about that, but today I am feeling a little lonesome for my guys. Enjoy the pics.

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