Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day two...

So, I bet you thought all the excitement would be limited to the first day of school. Well, you clearly don't know my children very well! Let's see, it started last night with Dom coming into our room about 4 times claiming he had a bad dream. (This has been going on for a week or so and we are trying really hard to break him of the habit.) So, needless to say, he was exhausted even before he woke up! But, he did wake up ready to go to school, that is until he realized that daddy would not be taking him to school like he does Anthony. Now, this was our mistake, since last year we kept telling him that once he started school he could ride with Anthony in daddy's car. What we failed to take into consideration was that they would go to different schools for a year! So, there were many tears as daddy drove away with Anthony. To make up for my mistake I let Dom play Wii for a bit this morning before we left. Yet another mistake on my part. When I told him it was time to go he lost it!! But, he rebounds quickly and once we were on the way to school he got excited again and was ready for his day.

That leads me to Nicolas. I knew the transition to both brothers being at school would cause a little strain on him, but you would think he was having his toenails ripped out every 5 minutes! He will be playing fine or we will be doing something like building with blocks and then all of a sudden he throws himself on the ground face first and screams! He did this at Dom's school while we waited for the bell. So, I am trying to make it easier, playing games, giving him some extra snacks to take his mind off how lonely he is. I am watching a friend's daughter this morning, which is kind of helping, otherwise I would have taken him somewhere like the park, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be much different there either. He would just realize that his brothers aren't there and want to sit by me the entire time. So, I guess we have a few weeks of adjusting to go through before we are all on "school year" time. I am looking forward to me time with just Nicolas and I hope he gets used to being an only child for a few hours a day. But at the same time it warms my heart how much my boys love each other.

Hopefully day 3 will be quieter.

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