Monday, January 3, 2011

New year, new thoughts

I vaguely remember posting this time last year that I was going to write a blog post each week, among other things.  I am well aware how that turned out.  I did run a race, a few actually, and now officially have the running bug.  I wish my enthusiasm for running could translate into blogging, and cleaning, and grocery shopping, and laundry, etc etc. 

However, as this new year starts I do want to do my best to be my best.  I feel like there are so many things I could and should be doing but just don’t find the time.  It is partly due to being a mom to three boys, but I use that excuse too often.  It is mostly because I find myself sitting right here, in front of my computer, far too often.  So, this year one of my resolutions will actually be the opposite of what I posted last year.  I am going to try really hard to spend less time online.  Now, that means my means of communication will have to change for many of you, so be prepared for snail mail and phone calls as opposed to texts and emails and facebook posts.  I will still do the latter on occasion, but I am hoping that by cutting down on computer time a lot of the other things I want and like to do will actually get done! 

One thing I really want to do, for fun, is take a photo everyday and that I will post online, but I want to take time each day to examine and explore the world around me.  I do this a lot when I run and sometimes wish it wasn’t so awkward to carry my huge camera with me when I do a long run.  It seems that the online world has replaced the actual world in a lot of ways and I want to try and change that, at least for me personally.  I know I will miss keeping up with many of you on facebook, and I will check in once in a while, but part of my reason for doing this is to teach myself the value of patience.  We are so used to instant gratification, instant communication, instant everything that we have forgotten the excitement that surrounds waiting for a letter in the mail, or waiting for film to get developed!  I don’t want my kids to get everything immediately but in order to teach them patience I must have some myself. 

This past week I spent some wonderful time with my mom and dad and brother at my parents’ home.  It was the first time just the four of us had been together in 17 years!  It was a wonderful time of talking and laughing and visiting with friends and family.  And the one thing I didn’t miss was my computer.  I got some posts on facebook saying I must be having fun since I haven’t been online very much.  That struck a chord.  I was having fun!  I guess I didn’t need my computer as much as I thought. 

So I guess this year is going to be one of patience building and less technology for me.  I remember my freshman year of college when I just discovered email, practically none of my friends, aside from those at the same college, had email, and I could only check it once in a while as there was usually a wait in the computer lab and it also took a heck of a long time to log into email so it wasn’t very time effective.  But I do remember the anticipation of going to the lab to get my email once a week or whatever it was.  I liken it to how people must have felt when they had to go into town to pick up their mail or packages.  It was an event, it was exciting, and it often occurred with one or two friends doing the same thing so it also, as weird as it seems, was a social event in a way.  Now with email and facebook on cell phones I feel like I see the top of people’s heads, looking at their phones, more than I ever see their faces.  Even when we are out and about we are still stuck in our own little online worlds.  It is starting to really bug me.  And I am by no means innocent, far from it.  That is why, once again, I am putting this out there, making it public, so when you see me on facebook or get several texts from me in a day you can say, remember your new years blog post?!  It isn’t going to be easy, but I do think it will be rewarding.  I hope it will mean more quality time with my kids and husband, more effective house keeping, and just more enjoyment of actual life, rather than simply enjoying my online life. 

So, for a while, this will be goodbye.  And keep your eyes and ears open.  You just might be a phone call or letter from me.  Happy 2011 everyone, blessings on you all!

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