Friday, September 10, 2010

More summer fun

So, as many of you know we went to MN to visit my parents a few weeks ago and we did so much and had such a great me I felt like it needed its own blog.  I mean, there were 400 pictures from that trip, but don’t worry, I am not going to post all of them in this blog, most, not all.

The trip started out with a great flight where all three kids were so great.  We got them each their own little mp3/video player and loaded a few movies and videos onto them so they had plenty to watch and do while flying.  It worked out great! 

Our first day there started out with breakfast on real MN farm.  It was so fun!  We saw sheep and cows and farm cats and dogs, bees in a hive, and chickens who were laying eggs while we were there!  Dom got to pick up a freshly laid egg, it was warm is what he he said.  Kind of cool and kind of gross.

We did so much it is almost hard to remember.  We went to an amusement park type place called Como town where they have rides and games just for younger kids.  We boys rode a ton of rides, even a roller coaster!  They had a blast.  We also got to walk through the butterfly exhibit.  Sadly, no butterflies chose to land on any of us, but it was really cool nonetheless. 

We also went to the, wait for it, MN state fair!  This has been a dream of my mom’s for a long time, to get us all to the fair.  My mom and dad go each year and it is always a highlight of their summer.  We certainly didn’t see everything that was there, it is like a small city it is so huge, but we did see a freshly birthed baby cow, baby ducks, baby goats, and baby pigs.  There was a parade and a lot of yummy fair food.  Everyone was pleasantly worn out at the end of the day. 

One of the highlights for the boys was swimming at the lake.  We went to a lake where they have a huge 10 foot dock that you can jump off.  It has a diving board or you can just jump off the side.  The big boys did so great and loved jumping off the diving board.  We also went fishing and caught about 20 fish altogether!  Dom caught the biggest catfish of the night, so big in fact that someone asked to take it home to eat it.  I think he was a bit freaked out, but it was really fun.  Everyone caught something even Nico caught his first fish. 

Joe and I were able to have a couple date nights which was so nice.  the weather was just perfect, minus a couple hot humid days.  The boys loved playing in the big backyard and working with grandpa in his workshop on their wooden plane sets.  They rode in the go-cart grandpa built and has fixed up since their last visit, and basically just had a great time MN style.  Even though Joe had to work a little while we were there I think we all felt really rested and relaxed and didn’t want to leave.  We were already planning next year’s trip while we were there.  I am thinking two weeks next time, so we can do everything two times!  Oh, and I really like running in a nice flat neighborhood. 

Enjoy the pics!

I had to to three web albums there were so many pics!  Enjoy, I know we did.

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