Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And, here I am again

Things don’t always go as planned.  I am sure most of you can attest to this.  I think in reality it is that we set out with certain objectives and realize that perhaps those objectives aren’t going to work out exactly as we had hoped or planned. 

Such is the case with my attempt at limiting my use of my computer and mostly the internet.  So, I am still going ok as far as facebook and email go, but I realized that one thing I really want to get back into is writing, and since I do most of that on the computer, well, here I am.  I figured a blog once in a while won’t hurt anyone and will give me a chance to share how my new years resolution is going.  Kind of backwards, I know, to share how my technology ban is going via the very technology I am banning, but hey, I never said this experiment was fool proof.  I will say that in the last 24 and some odd hours I have experienced quite a lot.  The first being huge frustration with my cell phone.   It won’t allow me to take the facebook app off, or at least it isn’t making it easy to do, so in an attempt to at least limit the amount of posts I see I have somehow managed to not be able to do anything at all!  It is as if by trying to ban facebook my phone has now banned me as a user!  Oh well, perhaps it is for the better.  I am pretty sure I can still make and receive calls, so that is that.  In a round about way I made my resolution easier to achieve, at least where my phone is concerned.

On the upside, I did more laundry yesterday than anyone has ever done ever in the history of the world.  Well, at least that is how it felt.  But it also felt good to have the hampers empty and closets and drawers full.  I also organized some of my crafty stuff, which has been bugging me for ages, and made some headway on a pile of stuff for the garage sale we are having soon.  So, I got some stuff done to say the least. 

I have also realized that there are certain areas of my life that require me to be online, or at least available online, like being the room mother for Anthony’s class and having an online store, etc etc.  So, I guess my limitations should have been clarified as including social and recreational internet use, as opposed to business or school related. 

I have noticed how loud my computer is as well.  It is almost as if it is trying to get my attention or something, by humming and turning the fan on.  Well, it ain’t going to work.  I don’t care if it starts singing songs to me, I am only going to use it when I have to, and right now, writing this blog, is a time when I have to.  I just have so many thoughts floating around in my head that it is hard to make sense of it all.  I am also waiting for a package, the package that is going to help me with my goal of taking a photo everyday for the remainder of the year, so I am desperately trying to kill time. 

Well, I guess I have reached my time limit.  Oh, didn’t I mention that while I am on the computer I have set the timer?  20 mins for blogging and emails, 10 mins for facebook.  And facebook, for now, will be once a week.  I figured if it works for the kids it should work for me as well.  Speaking of kids, they are asking for me to come play Wii, and I am more than happy to oblige.  And no, the Wii doesn’t count, especially when it gets me some fun time with my kids. 

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