Tuesday, June 9, 2009

At least life is never dull...

Well, some of you know and some of you don't know that we will be moving at the end of the month. No big change, just switching to a little cheaper house in the same neighborhood. This will make two moves in a year and I hope it means no moves for a while. While renting definitely has its perks it can be a pain when you are renting out a place of your own. We were thinking for a little while there that we might have to move back into our tiny house because we couldn't find any renters. But, the Lord has blessed us with a great couple to rent our home and hopefully they will want to stay longer than a year. So, now comes the tricky part, packing up all our stuff to move it two blocks. Oh, did I mention I will be out of town the weekend we need to move? Yep, either I planned this really well or made a horrible mistake, we shall see. Regardless, I am packing my little brains out trying to have things basically organized for when moving day finally arrives. In the midst of all of this Joe got a serious staph infection in his elbow and even had to be hospitalized for a day to get IV antibiotics. Luckily everyone else has been well aside from a case of double pink eye in all three boys, but the drops worked and now everyone is well and ready for the move.

Aside from the stresses of moving we are feeling very blessed. Anthony is in his last full week of school and already talking about 1st grade and how excited he is to go to a new class with new kids. Being that he is our shy guy this makes a mother's heart very warm. He has had a great year of school and that means so much. Dominic will stay home another year which was a tough decision to make. We waited with Anthony to start him in school as he would have been the youngest in the class had we started him when he turned 5 and we really see how waiting has benifited him. So, we will do the same with Dominic and give him that same edge.

Nicolas is still our little covert operator. The kid is so fast and so quiet that it really blows your mind. The government should really study his tactics, I think they could learn a thing or two. I won't go into detail, as there is too much to tell, but he has recently stolen off-limit cookies, made long distance calls on our phone, emptied the printer of paper, poured water on the couch, and let's not forget pouring dishsoap all over freshly made rice krispy treats. The kid has a gift, it is his choice to use it for good or evil.

Dominic continues to be a spitfire. He moves constantly and it is actually hard for him to simply walk in a straght line. He has to skip, spin, jump, or dive from place to place. Of course we love this about him, most of the time, and his energy can be really infectious at times. Other times you just want to put him in a padded room so you can get a little peace and quiet. But then he smiles at you and all is forgiven. Since he was a baby that smile has melted many a heart and we are already seeing the effects it has on the ladies. He is like the pied piper with little girls. They just follow him around and he has no clue why, he just loves having friends to play with!

Well, I think I have caught you up on our lives and now I must get back to packing, ugh!! Just when I think I have a handle on things I find another cabinet full of random junk we don't need. At least this is a good chance to get rid of stuff. Anyway, hope you are all well.

1 comment:

Marc said...

Em - Hey, could our small group help with a pack/move day? - Marc