Thursday, June 18, 2009

It had to happen sometime....

...when one of my children would eat something that wasn't food. Nicolas ate a lego tonight, we think. I heard the boys yelling at him to spit it out and when I got there there was nothing to spit out. He says he ate a cheerio, which could be true. With the state of our house right now there are any number of random things on the floor, the majority of which tend to be legos and cheerios for some reason. Anyway, it was swallowed, whatever it was. Anthony was upset, because he was worried about Nico I presumed. Not so. Turns out he is more concerned about the missing lego, if it is missing. Oh well. I told him he is welcome to dig through poopy diapers tomorrow to look for the lego if he likes but I am considering that lego long gone.

sticking something up nose - check
eating something that isn't food - check

Nicolas is on a roll, all we need now is stitches or a broken bone and he should be good to go until college, right? Right?!?! AAAAAAHHHH, please com visit me in the looney bin, please.

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