Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It could be worse...

As if packing and living out of boxes and amidst a gigantic mess isn't hard enough, leave it to my 2 year old to add to the chaos. This morning he got into the pantry and opened up our tupperware tub that holds our pancake powder mix. He poured about half on the floor (this is from Costco mind you, so not a small amount by any means). Then he opened up the vanilla extract and poured it into the remaining mix that was left in the tupperware and created a lovely smelling sludge. Then he helped himself to some chips and spilled most of the bag on the floor. I would just like to add that most of the above mentioned items are currently packed in boxes so he actually had to search for them, find them, take them out, and create a mess. As I have said, he has a gift.

On to the move. I spent most of yesterday at our old house cleaning and patching paint. It was so strange to be there, not just because it was completely empty, but because it still holds so many memories. I stumbled across some toys that had been lost in the bushes and remembered how they got there. As I cleaned the tiny bathroom I actually had a fond memory of being able to hear what was going on in EVERY room of the house from that particular place. I am excited about the new couple moving into our home and I hope it will hold as many wonderful memories for them as it did for us.

I am still packing away. I feel like there has to be a bottom somewhere, but at the moment it is like looking into a giant chasm of boxes and misc junk. I started on the boys' room today and discovered that 5 years worth of books doesn't fit in just one box, or at least not one box that someone other than Hulk Hogan can lift! So, that meant yet another box that had to be packed. So much for streamlining things. The hardest part is figuring out what to pack and what to keep out as I will be going out of town the day we move and need to have clothes and other things available for packing and the boys will be going to grandma's condo for the weekend or at least part of it so they will need clothes and diapers and toys, etc. Part of me wants to try and be super organized and have us all packed and ready for anything tomorrow! And the other part of me just wants to pack MY bag, get outta town and let daddy deal with the rest. But that would be unfair and I would never do such a thing. Please don't take my actually getting out of town as me being hypocritical. I scheduled this trip long before I knew we were going to move.

I will say that I have gotten rid of a ton of stuff, which seems amazing to me seeing as how we just had a garage sale AND I got rid of a ton of stuff a year ago when we moved last time. I guess we just have tons of stuff, which means I could get rid of a lot more if I really tried.

Anyway, I must return to my boxes and tape and hope that somewhere in there dinner gets made without knowing where any of my pots and pans and utensils are packed and the kids have jammies tonight for bed. Talk to me in a week when I am on a plane to Pittsburgh. I bet my attitude will be a whole lot different!

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