Monday, March 9, 2009

What the kids are saying....

I fear there is no way to keep track of all the wonderful, terrible, hilarious, and sweet things my kids say, but I am going to try!!!!

Just a minute ago Dom gets off his chair while eating dinner and announces "do you want to hear my remember verse from church?" Of course I did!!!! Then in a way only Dom can do, he acts it out "Be strong (arms up flexing), be brave (arms on hips, legs akimbo), the Lord is with you (pointing up and then at me.)" I hope he "remembers" that verse forever, it is one of the more important ones after all.

Just wanted to share. I love how a child can put a smile on your face even when your arms are elbow deep in spaghetti dishwater. Thanks Dom, I love you so much!

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