Monday, March 16, 2009

2 is oh so fun!

I thought we had already entered the "terrible twos" but I am learning that all that came before was just an appetizer, a small sampling of what my innocent little baby is truly capable of. We have officially started time out with Nicolas and he definitely understands when and why he is put in time out. He will sit, as long as we are close by, for as long as it takes to get the tantrum out of his system. Unfortunately we haven't determined just how long that is yet!! He has stamina, I will put it that way. So, here is an example of a typical time out: Nicolas throws something or hits someone when he is upset. That is a no no. So, he is put in time out. He cries and screams, but he sits. He is told he can get up when he says sorry to whomever he offended, usually mommy. So, he sits for a minute, is asked, "do you want to get up?" He nods yes, then is told "you can get up when you tell mommy sorry." "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ok, then you need to keep sitting until you tell mommy sorry." (Lots of crying and screaming, often some leg kicking and lying down occurs as well.) He calms down a bit "do you want to get up?" Head nods and says "ok". "Then tell mommy sorry." "Truck?" "ok?" (Anthing to distract you so I don't have to say sorry.) Now, I know some of you are thinking, he doesn't understand sorry, just let him get up already. Well, let me tell you, he totally understands. Here is how I know. This last time he was in time out it was close to bath time and bed time so he needed to get up and get in the bath. He did give me a hug, which is part of the apology. But he still wouldn't say sorry. So, we go through bath time, jammy time, and then it is off to bed. He gets his hugs and kisses and as SOON as I had shut the door to his room to go downstairs I hear, "sorry mommy". That little stinker! So, we have a stubborn Swede on our hands. Hmm, that is so strange because no one else in this house is like that.

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