Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chocolate milk and Jesus

Hey there. Just thought I would share some cute things the kids have said lately. The first is more sweet than funny. Anthony and Dominic learned a little about Lent at karate class last week, basically the instructor talked about sacrifice. Later on Grandma expanded to include Jesus and His sacrifice for all of us. The next day, obviously after much thought and contemplation, Anthony said to me "Mommy, I want to give up chocolate milk so Jesus doesn't feel bad." Still brings a tear to my eye. What a sweetheart.

This past weekend we went out to dinner for Auntie Erin's birthday and while we waited for our table I asked the boys what they wanted for dinner. Dominic replied "chicken hands." He obviously meant chicken fingers, but I like his version better.

And not to be left out, Nico has had his share of funny sayings lately as well. Mostly he is just talking all the time, repeating everything he hears, and it is so adorable! A couple weeks ago in Walmart we were walking down the snack aisle and all of a sudden he starts yelling and pointing "go f*%^&!" It took me a second to realize he had spotted the goldfish crackers and really wanted me to get some. He still can't quite say it correctly and whenever he does say it he usually yells it. So funny.

That's it. Hope this made you smile.

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