Monday, April 28, 2008

New obsession

So, as you know I have been bitten by the crafty bug. While I love crocheting, I also love sewing, even though I am still a novice. I had the great idea to make my own shopping bags, you know, save the environment and all, not to mention I can't stand plastic bags. I keep them, to reuse, and they just take up so much space, then I hear that even if you recycle them, which I do, most of them still get put into lanfills. So, I have bought a few bags, but thought, why not use all the fabric I have lying around, bought for various projects that never were. Curtains that will never hang, bed sheets that will never get put on a bed, etc. I found a really easy pattern and tweaked it a bit to my liking (I made it reversable and also added pockets.) I have to say, I am very proud of myself and plan to make several more so I can shop without using any store bags at all!!! Here are some pics of my first attempt.


megkingjohnson said...

very very cute. you are amazing!

megkingjohnson said...

p.s. I hope to see these on etsy soon! ;-)
p.p.s. I wish we lived closer so I could use all the cool stuff you make and be your "marketing model / walking advertiser." ;-) ;-)