Thursday, April 24, 2008

All in a days work

So, as most of you know, Dom had his tonsils and adenoids out on Tues. All went as expected and he is recovering nicely. Well, I use that term loosely. He isn't always nice, especially when his medication wears off or the wind blows or something, but physically he is recovering on schedule and that is all we can ask. Joe made a good point as they took him to surgery (on piggyback, by the way) that his voice will probably change after all of this. Since his tonsils and adenoids were so enlarged he spoke very nasally, even when he didn't have a stuffy nose. And I can tell you right now, even though he is speaking with a very swollen throat, his voice is different. Right now it almost sounds higher and squeakier. As if it was possible to make him any cuter, this really tops it off!

I will try to attach a photo of him right after surgery, drugged and drowsy and still holding his popsicle! Very cute!

So, now we try to deal with a little boy who is supposed to take it easy for about a week and an older brother who doesn't really understand why he can't have just as many popsicles as his little brother and also wants said little brother to rough house and play like always. But we are managing. The toughest part right now is that Dom was totally potty trained through the night but being on so much medication he has regressed a little, so, we are changing lots of sheets and jammies, but as long as he is recovering as he should be I can deal with anything.

Aside from surgery and lots of laundry, life is good right now. We just put our house up for rent on Mon and have already had several calls, so this is it!! We can now really start looking for a house to buy. It is scary and exhilerating all at the same time.

We will also be going on our first family camping trip in two weeks. We are going with friends and we are really excited.

That about covers our lives right now. Thanks for reading.

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