Thursday, April 17, 2008

Life and stuff

I watched the most interesting show last night on National Geographic channel, The Human Footprint. Essentially it is a show where they show you, literally by laying things out side by side, how much we consume during our lives whether it be milk, bread, clothing, cars, fuel, diaperes, etc. It is truly remarkable and very eye opening. To see how many quarts of milk you will drink in your life layed out side by side, stretching the span of several blocks, it really puts in perspective the fact that we might not think we have an impact on the earth, but we all do. I highly recommend this show if you need to "see" things in order to really understand them. I mean, I know I need to conserve and be careful with water and resources, but now I have a mental picture of what my consumption looks like, and it is scary! Check it out.

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