Monday, March 31, 2008

Nicolas' first birthday!!

He is 1!!! We can hardly believe it. It was a year ago today that he was born. It can't be true! It is true. But what a joy. His party was so much fun. We had a "Horton Hears a Who" party. I had a lot of fun planning what is to be my last, first birthday party. So, I went all out. But it was worth it. Nico has his own little orange Horton cake to smash up. I don't think he liked it all that much. I am not sure if it was the actual cake he didn't like or just the feeling of the frosting all over. Plus he was very tired by cake time, so it was probably a combination of things.

We had a big Horton cake for everyone else and all the kids got to take home a stuffed Horton as a prize. We had a Horton poster where the kids could stick there face and take a pic and lots of Dr. Seuss books around for kids and adults to read and enjoy! Enjoy the photos.

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