Monday, March 31, 2008


He is risen! He is risen indeed! I love Spring. I know I say that about every season, but each season has something special that reminds me how magnificent God's creation is. Spring, of course, means Easter, which means easter eggs and bunnies, but more importantly it is the time of Christ's death and resurrection. What a special time for children of God! He came back!! He is risen, he suffered for my sins, He is risen, and He is Lord!

Our family spent Easter with Joe's family is Bakersfield. With four boys running around (and they are all running, Nicolas is finally walking for real!) it can get pretty loud and hectic. There were a few moments of exasperation, but for the most part we had a wonderful time. All 4 boys had matching outfits for Easter (by 4 I mean cousin Gavin was there too, so he made it an even 4). The photo shoot was, well, an experience. I think the pictures will speak for themselves. Let's just say that trying to get a good picture, where everyone is at least looking at a camera, any camera, much less smiling, is almost impossible. The sun is too bright, someone doesn't want to sit still, someone is hungry, etc. So, we did our best and had some good laughs along the way. The easter egg hunt was a big hit, the little ones didn't quite get it at first. I don't think they understood why they had to put them in a basket, rather than just pick them up, open them, and eat the goodies inside. The older boys had a tougher hunt and found them all!! Then the men taught the older boys how to play bocci while the babies swam with grandma in the spa. Then everyone had baths and went to bed early. Even the adults!!! Hope you all had a blessed Easter.

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