Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas and New Years with Johnsons

Hi everyone. Ok, I am pretty sure this will be my last post that involves Christmas or New Years, so I will try to make it extra meaty.

My parents arrived a few days before New Years and we have had a wonderful time playing with the kids. We went bowling, which was a big hit! The boys have been before but this was the first time they actually did it all by themselves, carried the ball to the lane, put it down, pushed it, watched it roll, and roll, and roll, and roll, bump of the bumpers, roll and roll, and knock down pins!! It was so much fun to watch their excitement. The adults didn't fare too well, but had a great time anyway. Nico slept through most of it, but woke up in time to make some funny faces and play with a bowling ball in daddy's lap.

As a birthday present to himself Joe bought a Mexican chimney for our patio outside. We also got a tent as a family Christmas present and we put it up for practice in our side yard. With some help from Grandpa Bernie, an avid camper, we managed to get the tent up and the boys were so excited! So, they played in the tent while daddy set up the fire outside and we sat around the fire and drank champagne and ate s'mores. Not a bad New Years Eve if I do say so myself. My parents ended up leaving before midnight, but Joe and I stayed up and rang in the new year, well, we stayed up, kissed at midnight, and went to bed. But it was the first time in a long time I have stayed up for new years, so I was pretty proud of myself! Today we had breakfast at the OPH (Original Pancake House) which was yummy! Grandpa Bernie had to leave but Grandma Pat is staying a few more days we we are hoping to hit the beach, maybe shop a little, and just enjoy having her around.

As an added surprise, Joe's good friend Dave came into town and gave Joe a tour of one of the cruise ships he has worked on as well as meeting us for dinner. It is always nice to see old friends and I know JOe really enjoyed spending time with Dave, oh, and the boys have a new best friend. Enjoy the pics. I tried to keep them in order of what I wrote above. Love you all!

SO, here are some pics of the festivities. Enjoy and happy new year to all.

1 comment:

megkingjohnson said...

So fun! Hope we get to camp out with you in your yard one of these days. I think we should still have some champagne and stay up till midnight, even if it isn't New Year's. xoxo. M