Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What the new year holds

Resolutions. I love the idea, hate the execution. So this year Joe and I tried to make resolutions we might actually keep. Barring the obligatory "lose weight" and "get in shape", we made resolutions that could only be carried out if we all work together. So, in a round about sort of way, our resolutions will hopefully also bring us closer as a family.

They are pretty simple, really, things we do anyway, but our resolutions strive to help us do them better. Here they are in no order of importance:

Every has a place, everything in its place.

Use the phone rather than emailing or texting

Spend more time together as a family

So, in an attempt to keep our resolutions we tried to incorporate our wishes for Christmas into our resolutions. Here is what I mean. In order to encourage time spent together as a family, and I also mean encouraging the kids to play together as well, we asked for gifts like a tent for camping, board games for the kids, toys the kids have to use together or they aren't any fun, etc.

As for organization, we spent some of our christmas money on organizational items, like storage bins, and used them ASAP to store our Christmas decorations in a tidy manner for once. Up until now we had decorations scattered about the garage and attic in old diaper boxes which were falling apart.

As for using the phone or talking in person before emailing, well, that one is pure will power, and let me tell you, it is hard. I mean, I feel guilty even writing this blog. But, hopefully all of these resolutions will bring us closer to each other and our extended family and friends. Hey, if you have a tent, why not come camping with us?!!

May all your new years wishes come true.

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